The structural tendency in the theory of the novel


  • Ghasaq Talib Suhail University of Babylon, College of Islamic Sciences, Iraq


Structuralism - the genesis of the novel - the laws of the novel - the stream of consciousness - monetary procedures - time - description - the narrative perspective - personality


This study reveals the structural trend in the theory of the novel, by standing on the time period from which structuralism emerged, which was the stage of modernity. The theory of the novel, and it was a fertile stage in the history of the novel, as the novel writers ushered in a new era of narrative writing in general The curricula that appeared before modernity (historical, psychological, social) focused on the originator and the contexts surrounding the text and neglected the text. Emphasis on the personal perspective. Focusing on the personal awareness of the individual’s mind has become one of the features that determine the novelty’s modernity. Self-awareness is the main topic in it, and the orientation towards the depths of awareness culminated in the most important characteristic that describes the modern novelist style (the stream of consciousness) as well as limiting its attention to limited, incomplete views. The stochastic 'and proceeding from the text and focus too much On the language and attention to the aesthetic form of the text, and focus on studying the internal structure of the text, and all of these laws started from a basic thing which is the new realism, and also the research depends on the most important critics who established this direction, as well as identifying the most important structural procedures in the narrative criticism by standing on a number of issues Narrative, including the interest in the element (time) and was the beginning of interest in it at the hands of the Russian Formalists, and (narrative perspective). The structural difference about the narrative perspective was distinguished, in addition to the variation in the way it was dealt with by the abundance of terms that were called upon, including: vision, point of view, focus, and focus Narrative, scope, etc., and (location), (description) and (personality).


