Journal Of Babylon Center for Humanities Studies <p><strong> About the Journal </strong></p> <p> The Journal of the Babylon Center for Humanities Studies is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access scientific journal issued by the Babylon Center for Cultural and Historical Studies at the University of Babylon. The journal is concerned with studies, research, and research papers in the fields of studies in all the humanities and social sciences, as well as international and political relations, law, and media.</p> <p>The journal is published quarterly (every three months) and has an active, specialized international editorial board that supervises its work. It includes a large group of the best academics from several countries, which supervises the arbitration of research submitted to the journal.</p> <p>The journal is based on an ethical charter for its publishing rules and the relationship between it and researchers. It is also based on an internal bylaw that governs the work of arbitration, and an approved list of arbitrators in all specializations. In selecting the contents of its preparation, the he Journal of the Babylon Center also relies on the formal and objective specifications of international peer-reviewed journals.</p> <p><strong>Aims and Scopes</strong></p> <p>The Journal of Babylon Center for Humanities Studies provides an official academic publishing channel interested in publishing solid scientific research that has not previously been published in the field of various Humanities and linguistic studies. It works to increase publishing awareness among researchers in various specializations in the humanities, especially research in history, the Arabic language, Islamic sciences, educational and psychological sciences, and special education. And geography and the English language, as well as the other fields of human studies, law and political science. This is in order to highlight the efforts of researchers and the product of their intellectual work in a way that meets with the approval of the interested reader and reflects the university’s academic orientations.</p> <p><strong>Publication ethics and research misconduct</strong></p> <p>1- The research should be in conformity with the UN human rights laws.</p> <p>2 - The research must be unpublished and not acceptable for publication anywhere else and is not subject to evaluation elsewhere.</p> <ol start="3"> <li>Scientific honesty in quoting from previous sources and research and attributing it to its original owners.</li> <li>The research provided shall be commensurate with the needs of society in the field of human knowledge.</li> </ol> <p>5 - not to prejudice the scientific or literary figures with an insulting and offensive criticism that there is a constructive criticism based on accurate scientific foundations and constants.</p> <p>6 - not to be exposed in the search for offensive ideas stemming from personal, religious, ethnic, sectarian or political motives.</p> <ol start="7"> <li>Confronting new views and ideas may be contrary to the ideas of the persons interviewed in a professional and scientific manner, away from ridicule or abuse.</li> </ol> <p>8 - The researcher must distance himself in writing his research of his personal relations and emotional tendencies and committed to work under the scientific profession.</p> <p>9 - The researcher must be not response to external pressures in writing research to achieve personal interests or benefits of those parties.</p> <p>10 - The researcher should be open out to the opinions of other colleagues and accept constructive criticism to improve the image of research and address the mistakes that may be contained in it.</p> <ol start="11"> <li>If a mistake is discovered in the research after publication, the researcher must cooperate with the editor of the journal to correct the error by the appropriate means (re-publication with correction, withdrawal of the search, apology) and as necessary.</li> <li>Any form of research misconduct as submitting a search that is being published or is being reviewed elsewhere, or already published elsewhere, with the same content or similar content or others' work rates without citing the source of the quotation, plagiarism, forgery or fabrication if discovered at any stage of the editing process, or during printing or even after publication will result in immediate rejection of the search, , And the fees will not be refunded.</li> </ol> <p>13<strong>- </strong>The journal monitors ethics by the editor-in-chief, assistant editors, members of the editorial board, reviewers, authors, and readers.</p> University Of Babylon en-US Journal Of Babylon Center for Humanities Studies 2227-2895 The Impact of the Battle of Badr on Establishing the Islamic Call <p>The significance of the Battle of Badr lies in its being the first battle in the history of Muslims, for which Allah dedicated an entire chapter in the Holy Quran, namely Surah Al-Anfal. This battle demonstrated the true measure of the strength of Islam and marked an important turning point in the history of the Islamic call. The victory at Badr had a profound moral impact, as it put an end to hostile threats and instilled great confidence in the Muslims regarding their faith and capabilities. This confidence enabled the Prophet Muhammad to make timely and appropriate decisions.The Battle of Badr was not merely a military confrontation; it embodied justice and humanity. The Prophet adopted a humane approach in dealing with war captives, urging the noble companions to honor them. He accepted ransom from some prisoners, and for those unable to pay, he allowed them to teach ten Muslim children how to read and write. This decision not only showcased mercy but also contributed to the spread of education and the strengthening of ties between Muslims and the captives, thereby fostering a cohesive Islamic community.The Battle of Badr represents a landmark in Islamic history, where Muslims were able to affirm their strength and ability to confront their enemies. Through this battle, they transitioned from a state of weakness to one of strength, contributing to the formation of a robust and unified Islamic society. Furthermore, this battle reinforced values of cooperation and solidarity among Muslims, demonstrating their willingness to defend their faith. The lessons learned from the Battle of Badr continue to hold significant relevance in understanding how to face challenges through faith and collective action. Thus, the Battle of Badr remains a symbol of strength and compassion in Islamic history</p> Ali Saadoun Hamada Saleh Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 1 20 The school’s role in building intellectual capital challenges and opportunities An analytical theory stud <div class="mb-4"> <div class="abstract-content">The current research aims to study the school in building intellectual capital. Building intellectual capital in schools refers to developing the skills and knowledge of students and teachers alike. Schools play a significant role in this area by promoting critical thinking and creativity, through providing advanced and diverse educational programs.Schools contribute to shaping intellectual capabilities through an educational environment that encourages innovation and problem solving, which provides students with the necessary skills to face future challenges. Despite this important contribution, schools face several challenges that may hinder the effectiveness of this role, including a lack of material resources, insufficient training for teachers, and difficulties in applying modern educational methods that may be unavailable or inappropriate for some educational contexts. However, there are opportunities that can be exploited to improve the current situation and enhance the building of intellectual capital. The use of modern technology can play a significant role in improving the learning experience, as it provides various educational tools and resources that enhance interaction and innovation. Partnerships with academic and industrial institutions can provide schools with opportunities to provide advanced educational experiences and enhance practical skills among students. In addition, developing intensive training programs for teachers is an essential step to improving the quality of education. Training teachers on the latest educational methods and skills can contribute significantly to raising the level of education and enhancing the ability to face educational challenges.Thus, by balancing thoughtful strategies, adapting to challenges, and exploiting available opportunities, schools can play a pivotal role in preparing a generation capable of facing future challenges efficiently and creatively.The researcher reached several conclusions, including (intellectual capital provides the basis for improving curricula and teaching, which leads to better educational outcomes. In addition, intellectual capital helps motivate students and teachers to think creatively and develop new skills).The research concluded with a set of recommendations and proposals, including:The Ministry of Education should equip classrooms with modern tools and technologies that support innovative teaching methods, and create an educational environment that encourages group discussions, group work, and project-based learning.Organize regular training courses to provide teachers with the latest educational methods and technologies and support initiatives to exchange experiences and knowledge among teachers in different schools.The researcher suggested the following:Study intellectual capital and its relationship to critical thinking.Study intellectual capital and its impact on job performance</div> </div> <div class="keywords-section"> <h4 class="h6 fw-bold text-primary mb-3">&nbsp;</h4> </div> Hoda Kazem Hassan Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 21 44 Investigation and Non-Standard (Dialectal) Mitigation in Linguistic Dictionaries <p>Dialectal phenomena constitute a rich material and a distinctive section in language books, especially linguistic dictionaries that meticulously examine these phenomena through scrutiny and analysis. This has provided researchers with numerous fields for study and investigation. Among the most prominent phenomena observed among Arab tribes is related to the hamzah (glottal stop), including its facilitation and confirmation, among others. In this context, the research will focus on a non-standard dialectal phenomenon, namely the confirmation and non-confirmation of the hamzah in the dialect of certain Arabs. Before presenting examples, it is essential to clarify some concepts that underpin the research, summarized as follows:</p> <ul> <li class="show">The phenomenon of dialectal confirmation and its absence (non-standard) is considered more beneficial than the standard; it leads to a change in meaning and consequently enriches the Arabic dictionary with diverse linguistic material, contributing to its enrichment and expansion.</li> <li class="show">The change in meaning due to the different readings of the term (بادي) and (بادئ) confirms that this instance falls under non-standard dialectal change.</li> <li class="show">Among the scholars most concerned with the phenomenon of non-standard dialectal change of the hamzah is Al-Farraa, possibly due to his linguistic affiliation, as Kufa relies on the spoken language of the Arabs and gives it significant attention.</li> </ul> <p>The non-standard dialectal change of the hamzah shares with the standard the issue of phonetic variation of the word in terms of vowel lengthening or shortening; there is a difference in the phonetic writing of the hamzah word compared to the non-hamzah word</p> Majda Ali Youssef Al-Ankoushi Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 45 58 The effect of the strategies of Adel (I.D.E.A.L) and Rip (R.E.A.P)) on the achievement of biology and systematic thinking among second-year middle school students <p>The research aimed to identify the effect of the strategies Adel (I.D.E.A.L) and REP (R.E.A.P) on the achievement of biology and systemic thinking among second-year middle school students. To achieve this goal, the researcher prepared an achievement test consisting of (30) items, and a system thinking test consisting of ( 30) multiple-choice items, and the research sample consisted of (100) students from the second intermediate grade in Iraq High School for Boys affiliated with the General Directorate of Education in Najaf Governorate, and the biology textbook prescribed for the academic year (2022-2023 AD), and by a random selection method it was chosen Section (A) represents the first experimental group that studied with the ADELE strategy (I.D.E.A.L.), Section (D) represents the second experimental group that studied with the REP strategy (R.E.A.P), and Section (C) represents the control group that studied in the usual way, relying on an experimental design with control. Partial, and the three research groups were rewarded according to chronological age, previous academic achievement, intelligence, and a systematic thinking test. After analyzing the results, the researcher concluded that the students in the first experimental group who studied according to the Adele strategy (I.D.E.A.L.) excelled and the students in the second experimental group who studied according to the REEP strategy (R.E.A.P.) ), on the students in the control group who studied according to the usual method of achievement and systemic thinking for second-year intermediate students in biology. The researcher recommended the necessity of using modern strategies based on problem solving, including the Adele strategy, and strategies based on reading comprehension, including the REP strategy, in teaching biology subjects, because of their clear impact on students’ achievement and developing their thinking, especially systemic thinking, in addition to establishing courses. Training for biology teachers and empowering them with modern strategies in teaching, including the (Adele) strategy and the (Rep) strategy, by knowing its steps and how to apply teaching through it.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Adele strategy (I.D.E.A.L), REP strategy (R.E.A.P), collection, systems thinking</p> Ahmed Hamza Abbood Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 59 84 Blurring Reality and the Commodification of Culture in Martin Amis’s Money: A Suicide Note <p><em>Money</em> (1984) is a satire on the life and fortunes of John Self, an out-loud about the rise and fall of the 1980s, the decade of excess. Amis takes us directly to the heart of the matter in the Self's character by his sharp criticism against the marketing world and wider media culture willingness to serve the rolling of the machine of consumption and the manifestations of shallow morality and moral decay. Scenes kept them guessing and never knowing the end till they read the very last page. Consciousness was limited to the main character of the story, going from flickers to bursts, all urging the reader to a climatic end. The movie portrays a miserable society that prioritized money and interpersonal relationships to the extent that the humanity and prime concern of the people became mere illusion. In Amis' novel the advertising industry is a destroyer shown by the corruption that occurs in this world. Here appearance and perception is given more value than reality or truth, therefore there is a difference between Amis' novel and other tales regarding the advertising. Through Self's job as an advertising executive, Amis shows how false methods of merchandising are implemented with which the audience of advertisements is mentally preconditioned and, as a rule, this conditioning, what follows is the appearance of extremely distorted views concerning of themselves and the whole world. The topic of money is the main idea, and money is a kind of book that it shows how the greediest and most power-hungry people, even if they are socially acknowledged as perfect, can be destructively corrupted.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> HAMEED MANA DAIKH Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 1 12 The Effectiveness of the guided imagination strategy in reflective thinking among first-year intermediate school female students in the biology subject <p><strong>The aim of the current research is to identify:</strong></p> <p>The effectiveness of the<strong>:</strong> guided imagination strategy in reflective thinking for first-year intermediate school students in the biology subject. The researcher chose the experimental design (with partial control) for two equal groups, one of them&nbsp; represents the experimental group and the other is the control group. The research sample was selected by a random, intentional method, represented by the al-adalaa intermediate School for Girls in the Diwaniyah Governorate Center. After that, the researcher prepared parity for the two research groups in several variables, including: (chronological age calculated in months - two intelligence tests - a previous information test in the biology). The researcher also determined behavioral objectives in the cognitive field&nbsp; , which amounted to there were (189) behavioral objectives, and the required&nbsp; teaching plans were prepared for the experimental and control&nbsp; research groups and the researcher prepared the researcher prepared the research tool, which is the reflective thinking test for the biology subject for the first intermediate grade,which consisted of (30) multiple-choice items with four alternatives ., the first part, and the researcher has found psychometric properties By calculating the validity, reliability, discrimination coefficient, difficulty, and effectiveness of false the alternatives for this test, the researcher applied it to experiment in the first semester of the academic year 2023-2024, and to treat the data statistically, the researcher used the SPSS statistical program and statistical methods (t-test for two independent, unequal samples, equations difficulty&nbsp; and strength of distinguishing&nbsp; paragraphs and effectiveness of incorrect alternatives., eta square),and The following results were reached: There was a statistically significant difference at a significance level (0.05%) between the average grades of the first-year intermediate female students who were studying biology according to the directed imagination strategy and the average grades of the first-year intermediate female students who were studying the same subject according to the traditional method in testing reflective thinking for the biology subject . for the first intermediate grade, for the benefit of the experimental group, In light of the research results, the researcher presented a set of recommendations and proposalsin order to be taken into account in the future</p> Fatimah Shanan Hussein Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 85 114 "Evaluation of Middle School Biology Textbooks in Light of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Standards <p>This study aimed to evaluate the content of biology textbooks for the first, second, and third grades of middle school in light of the standards set by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. To achieve this goal, the researcher used content analysis, which is one of the descriptive research methods. The research tool consisted of a content evaluation checklist based on the AAAS standards, translated into Arabic. After statistically processing the results, the researcher analyzed and evaluated the middle school biology textbooks (for the academic year 2023-2024) in light of the standards checklist. Using Holsti’s formula, the researcher calculated the reliability coefficient in two ways: the first between the researcher and herself over time, which was (85%), and the second between the researcher and other analysts, which yielded a reliability coefficient of (80%) for the first center and (83%) for the second center.After evaluating the books based on the AAAS standards, which included five main criteria with (8) sub-criteria and (31) indicators, the total number of occurrences across the three textbooks reached (3363). The first criterion (alignment between main ideas (objectives) and content) was ranked first with a frequency of (1180) and a percentage of (35%). The second criterion (accuracy) had a frequency of (887) and a percentage of (26.4%). The third criterion (structure) had a frequency of (551) and a percentage of (15.1%), indicating a low level of integration. The fourth criterion (coherence between ideas) had a frequency of (394) and a percentage of (11.9%). Finally, the fifth criterion (scientific cultural background) had a frequency of (391) with a percentage of (11.6%). Based on the previous results, the researcher recommends that those responsible for evaluating biology curricula utilize the standards set by the American Association for the Advancement of Science and work on modifying and improving them</p> Bidaa Abdul Amir Abdul Redha Sarhan Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 115 134 The symbolism of tattoos is a tool for detecting criminal personality <p>Tattoos are a language of human self-expression, and a tool for translating human feelings and orientations. Tattoos are characterized by their multiple connotations. They are as old as humanity, and have had multiple uses since ancient civilizations, as archaeological monuments have revealed. It may be used for purely therapeutic purposes, and it may also be a manifestation of adornment and beautification, but it may constitute an indicator of an individual’s tendency toward deviant (criminal) behavior, especially among habitual criminals, and an expression of their criminal identity The deviant criminal behavior of tattooed individuals can be inferred based on the symbolism of the tattoo, through which the type of criminal behavior they have can be revealed. Given the widespread spread of the phenomenon of tattoos since the past decade, it has constituted a social phenomenon based on blind imitation in most cases, which requires studying it and determining its social and behavioral effects on the individual and society This requires studying it and examining its social and behavioral effects on the individual and society, and this is done through identifying the types of tattoos and what they symbolize and explaining the seriousness of some symbols, especially with regard to their criminal connotations, which form an identity through which criminals can be distinguished from others The researcher concluded that:</p> <ol> <li class="show">The phenomenon of tattooing is an ancient social practice, but it has evolved and diversified significantly in the present time.</li> <li class="show">There is an unprecedented spread of tattoos, especially those with deviant connotations, whether moral or behavioral deviations.</li> <li class="show">There is a weakness in the regulatory role of the Ministry of Health regarding unlicensed tattoo centers in light of the spread of health issues due to unqualified individuals practicing this profession.</li> </ol> <p>There is a lack of awareness and education from educational institutions regarding the dangers and harms of this phenomenon on individuals and society</p> Suad Shakir Bawee Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 135 156 The Importance of Play in the Social Integration of Children with Disabilities A Sociological Analytical Study <p>This study seeks to shed light on the importance of play in achieving social integration for children with disabilities, as many age groups of people face problems of adaptation (integration) in life, and the most difficult is adaptation in the pre-school stage, adulthood and retirement age, which requires their rehabilitation and social integration, which is a set of measures aimed at reviving individual social ties or relationships due to the disability that was previously destroyed or lost.The most prominent objectives are to identify:The difficulties facing children with disabilities and their abilities while playing, each according to his disability, the importance of play in achieving social integration for children with disabilities, and the types of games that help integration.The most important results: People with physical disabilities need more attention, especially when playing to improve their overall development, because they often rely on their immediate support network and cannot participate effectively inside and outside school, perhaps due to their lack of appropriate play and learning materials. Play also helps strengthen the other senses of the child with disabilities, mobility and exploration of the surrounding environment. Modern technological techniques contribute in a way that makes it possible for them to participate in play. Play can reduce their feelings of anxiety or fear, reduce the risk of depression and can help alleviate symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Physical activity has positive effects on their functional independence, improving their integration and quality of life at the present time. The researcher presented a set of proposals, including: When designing games for people with disabilities, it is necessary to listen carefully to society and respond to their needs. Providing basic games for children with disabilities in particular, who need to make a greater effort to acquire and develop certain skills. Increasing attention to directing games that help develop communication and social skills. Working to introduce modern technology into halls and playgrounds for people with disabilities to help them practice sports and integrate into society. Games are a means available to everyone equally, including all people with disabilities</p> Hussam Abdul Hamza Laibi Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 157 172 Obstacles to Employing Artificial Iintelligence applications among Arabic language department professors <p>The current research aims to (reveal the obstacles to employing artificial intelligence applications among professors of the Arabic Language Department, and measure the statistically significant differences at the level (0.05) in the level of obstacles to employing artificial intelligence applications attributed to the gender variable (male - female). To achieve the research objectives, the researchers followed the descriptive analytical approach. The research community consisted of</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>professors of the Arabic Language Department in the College of Basic Education and the College of Education for Humanities - University of Wasit, numbering (70) male and female professors. To determine the nature of the studied phenomenon and clarify the aspects of its society and its perceptions, the researchers took a sample of (62) male and female professors, i.e. (89%) of the community. After collecting the data using the questionnaire, the results showed after analysis and statistical processing:</p> <p>Based on the above, the researchers recommend&nbsp; :</p> <p>- Enhancing and refining AI software to better meet the needs of Arabic language instruction&nbsp;</p> <p>- Promoting and supporting the training of professors and students to enable optimal use of AI applications in their work and research projects</p> Milad Ibrahim Obaid Intisar Kahdim khamees Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 173 200 The inability of Qur'anic translation to achieve the meaning of the Qur'anic vocabulary -Problems and solutions- <h4>The first civilizational encounter between East and West was during the Crusades, when the Christian West was introduced to Islam, and as a result of the need to learn about the new religion, the translation movement was born.</h4> <p>The first to undertake translation were priests and monks, and those who had knowledge of the languages and literature of the East, the first attention was focused on translating the Holy Quran in an attempt to refute and question it, and Islamic studies in the West began with legislation by the Pope to establish chairs of Arabic and Islamic studies, from the monastery of Cluny in southern Paris came the first Latin translation of the Holy Quran, most of the translations that came out of the West were distorted and poor, with a great distortion of the Quranic verses, as well as deliberately changing the names of the suras, and dealing with the Quran as a human book created by Muhammad - may God bless him. The copies that translated the Holy Quran were characterized by many introductions and footnotes, depending on the mood of the translator and his ideological and cultural background.With complete ignorance of Arabic grammar and meaning, the absence of Islamic terminology and the substitution of Christian terminology in the translations made the translation distorted and weak and did not reflect the reality of the Qur'anic verses, and the lack of understanding of Arabic terms made the translators face great difficulties in translation</p> Muhammad Najm Hamza Falih Al Rafi’i Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 201 212 Narcissistic rivalry and its relationship to the neurotic learning style among third-year mathematics students in the general teaching methods course <p>This study aimed to determine the level of narcissistic competition among a sample of third-year mathematics students in the Methods of Teaching course. The researchers also sought to identify the relationship between narcissistic competition and neurolearning, as well as the variance in average scores of the sample members in narcissism. The study sample consisted of 364 students, including 129 males and 235 females. The researchers utilized two scales to assess narcissism and neurolearning.According to the study results, there is a level of narcissistic competition at 67%, a positive correlation between narcissistic competition and neurolearning, and a variance in average scores of the sample members in narcissism and neurolearning attributed to gender and place of residence. The researchers concluded the following:</p> <ol> <li class="show">The results indicate that mathematics students possess a healthy level of narcissism, reflecting their self-confidence and helping them face life challenges in Iraq.</li> <li class="show">The study sample demonstrates a good level of understanding of neurolearning methods, as results near the average suggest that individual responses are closely aligned, enhancing the reliability of the findings.</li> <li class="show">The results reveal significant differences in narcissism levels between genders, with males exhibiting higher levels of narcissism compared to females, reflecting differences in self-concept between genders.</li> </ol> <p>Based on these conclusions, the following recommendations were made:</p> <ol> <li class="show">Conduct educational workshops that clarify the difference between normative narcissism and malignant narcissism.</li> </ol> <p>Guide psychological counseling professionals to formulate preliminary strategies for counseling and psychotherapy that align with the characteristics of individuals with pathological narcissism</p> Manar Farouq Aziz Mohammed Hassan Ali Ahmed Mahmoud Shaker Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 213 234 The War Impacts on Personal Human Relations: An Analysis Study of Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut an The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien <p>The present study, through the trauma theory lens, critically explores the war effects on individuals in Slaughterhouse-Five (1969), novel by the American writer Kurt Vonnegut and The Things They Carried (1990), novel by Tim O’Brien the American novelist, this conceptual framework initiates in the intersection of relational sociology, trauma theory, as well as postmodern literary criticism, through this multi-dimensional lens this study would analyze war’s impact on human relations especially personal relationships in a frame of postmodernism.Trauma theory supposes that&nbsp;persons suffer deep psychological trauma when they face events that are irresistible, threatening&nbsp; safety and life, which create deep helplessness feelings .Severe neglect, violence, accidents and natural disasters , all of these events and more cause psychological traumas for individuals last for long time leaving deep impacts. The protagonists in the two novels Billy Pilgrim and Lieutenant Jimmy Cross, respectively, both are heavily impacted by the war experiences, they face different psychological war traumas. Billy, the war prisoner, is an unenthusiastic soldier who faces the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (P.T.S.D.), whereas Lieutenant Cross is the leader who bearing guilt and responsibility toward his men, he thinks neither of them truly able to grips with the war toll. Different kinds of trauma shape each character, both are attributed to the war cost but respond to their psychological trauma in different ways.Even though the two literary works being set in different historical times, World War II (1944-1945) as well as the War of Vietnam (1969- 1971), respectively, they exceed their definite contexts to suggest universal understandings into the emotional and relational war toll. Both, Vonnegut and O’Brien put away and reject previous classic war glorifications, concentrating instead on its deep devastating harsh influences on individuals and their human connections with others in society. Through the novels’ portrayal of trauma, guilt, and alienation, the writers present the monstrous consequences of war, emphasising the human bonds’ fragility in facing upheaval and war violence. Therefore, by blending cultural as well as psychological dimensions, the under discussion works represent poignant analyses of war conflicts, stand as a testament to the lasting human wars’ cost on relational and personal levels. This study employed a descriptive qualitative method so as to examine the selected novels’ texts. The study’s significance lies in the unique approach that adopted trauma theory, as well as postmodern literary criticism and relational sociology criticism, as a multidimensional lens to evaluate war’s impact on human relations especially personal relationships as they remain underexplored in contemporary literature since war is a continuous conflict that takes different forms and causes deep terrible impacts on all</p> Savannah H. Khalil Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 13 38 Speech Acts in Medical Communication: A Study of Doctor-Patient Interaction <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This paper analyzes the speech acts of doctors and patients and scrutinizes the kinds of speech acts available or potentially produced with regard to their variations: directives, assertives, expressives, and assurances. It relates them to patient outcomes by using a mixed-method approach where discourse analysis of naturally occurring medical interactions is conducted to explore the use of speech acts across different contexts when diagnosing, explaining the treatment, or giving emotional reassurance to the patient. The results clarify that clear directives have to be accompanied, indeed, by explanations, which highly improve the adherence of patients to the treatment. Assurances are also important in handling the anxiety of patients and in establishing their trust, which is particularly required in situations where emotional involvement is high. Moreover, it was found that the doctors provide more empathic reassurance, which influences patients' anxiety levels and confidence in the medical process. The overall contribution of this research is to the understanding of how speech acts function in institutional discourse, offering insights that can improve communication strategies in medical practice with a view to bettering patient care</p> Mushtaq Abdulrazzaq Abdulzahra Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 39 60 Encouragement and intimidation in Surat Al-Zalzalah and its effect on modifying behavior <p>Surat Al-Zalzalah is one of the Qur’anic surahs that carries within it deep meanings and strong connotations whose goal is to guide humans toward right behavior, as the main focus of the surah is to depict scenes on the Day of Resurrection, when every soul will be rewarded for what it has earned. The Qur’anic text in this Surah shows a balanced approach that relies on spreading fear of divine punishment for those who do wrong, and at the same time, it opens the door to hope for good reward for those who do good. This balance is reflected in the human psyche, as it motivates a person to modify his behavior in accordance with the moral values​. The approach of the pure Imams (peace be upon them) in his interpretation of this Surah emphasizes the role of balance in education, and the importance of a person’s relationship with God being based on a combination of fear and hope, since the desire for Paradise and the fear of Hell are tools for correcting the soul and directing it towards obedience and good deeds. This study emphasizes the importance of reviving these concepts in contemporary education, to guide individuals towards moral and social commitment to achieve balance in this life and the afterlife</p> Nihad Shakir Bawee Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 235 254 Geographical diligence in the field of field studies (study in geographical thought) <p>The study aims to Highlight diligence&nbsp; geographic in a field studies lt is considered one of the most conuntries alati shahidat rapid development By studying&nbsp; in this fieid as known That means study represents seeds&nbsp; for diligence and stages of development up to this day and l arrived thy study to its importance these scieces in all life attachment generaly geography Natural and human as part lndivisble from herand come lts importance ln mapping and the means oher to reach to very accurate results and closer to health and its possibility Access&nbsp; to hypothese and the perfect solution for in addition Field study Anecessary step&nbsp; one of the steps of geographical research According to the study requirements So he can The aspects that Were hidden attic Ijtihad in the language is derived from effort and has many meanings that were written by great historians, skilled investigators and brilliant jurists. The word (ijtihad) means making continuous and valuable efforts. Making an effort to deduce rulings from their evidence by looking at them. As the author of Lisan al-Arab wrote, he made an effort in the matter until he reached the goal</p> فاطمة منسي مجيد الخيكاني Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 255 272 Patterns of sustainable development in the book - Alfusul walghayati by Abu Al-Ala Al-Maarri(D. 449 AH) <p>Sustainable development, the old idea, in the new term, is not new to Arab thought, and it was addressed in the Holy Qur’an - which is the oldest Arabic text written between two covers - and it contains everything that urges development and the preservation of natural resources, which are among God’s blessings upon us, and how to maintain personal hygiene. And the environment, and the most important laws that guarantee economic and social well-being and solidarity. The Most Gracious - the Almighty - organized in his noble book the affairs of this world and the afterlife, and drew the line for a decent life. Did the ancient Arab writers pay attention to this issue, and address it in their writings? Did they provide solutions to this problem? In this research, we will take the book(AL FUSUL WAL CHAYAT) by Abu Al-Ala Al-Ma’arri, and there are several reasons for choosing this book One of the most important reasons ;This book was accused of being in opposition to the Holy Qur’an, from Abu Al-Ala’s contemporaries, and that it was copied in its style. Did it address the topics that the Holy Qur’an dealt with in this issue? As for the research methodology, it is a descriptive and analytical method. The research consisted of two sections, the first: on the relationship between language and sustainable development and an introduction to the book &nbsp;(ALfusul wal chayat in Glorifying God and Sermons), and the second: applications in sustainable development in the book</p> Fatimah Ghadhban Oudah Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 273 294 Books on classes and their importance in Arab-Islamic history <p>The composition on the classes and ranks of people is the oldest chronological division found in Arab-Islamic historical thought. They took care of it and classified important books in it, the classification of which extended to later eras of time. This composition emerged from the idea of ​​documenting the biographies of the Messenger, his companions, the Successors, and the followers of the Successors, which developed in the early part of the century. The second Hijri version, which was linked to the Hadith science’s criticism of the chain of transmission, i.e. jarh and ta’deel, but the purpose of writing it changed later, It no longer served only the science of hadith, but rather it took on other purposes, and it served most of the sciences. Historians, writers, linguists, and all types of people used the organizations that the hadith scholars had invented to organize biographical books since the third century A.H. Thus, classes of jurists, interpreters, readers, writers, ministers, poets, writers, and philosophers appeared. And sages, doctors, grammarians, linguists, and other books of classes. These classifications provided ample information about the beginnings of each science and its development, by studying its men and what they added to this science. The books of classes were the rich record of the religious, scientific, and cultural activities of the Islamic nation. The study relied on several sources, ranging from books on classes, obituaries, biographies, and general history books. Among these sources is the book (Arrangement of Perceptions and Approximation of Paths to Knowing the Notables of the Maliki School) by Judge Iyad (d. 544 AH / 1149 AD).</p> Hassan Abdel Zahra Kaitan Al-Ibrahimi Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 295 318 Althusser's Ideological State Apparatuses in Sam Shepard's Buried Child <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This research is going to benefit from Louis Althusser's idea of Ideological State Apparatuses (ISAs) with the objective of the analysis of cultural and mythic ideology, the economy and the American Dream, family relations, interpellation and resistance, along with the effect of religion and decency in <em>Buried Child</em> as Sam Shepard's famous dramatic production. Through the practice of Althusser's theory, this analysis scrutinizes the way in which ISAs are shown and work in the play, stressing the intense connection amid power, ideological control, and resistance in a dysfunctional family background. By exploring the multidimensional relations and scuffles between the characters, the significance of obscured mysteries and appalling retentions, and the themes of dishonor, silence, and revelation, this inspection divulges the in-built ideologies that impact individual subjectivities and societal structures in Shepard's play. In conclusion, the article desires to argue the ways in which Althusser's pattern of ISAs transports a valued agenda for distinguishing the sophisticated system of ideological effects at play in <em>Buried Child</em></p> Habeeb Lateef Kadhim Al-Qassab Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 61 80 The Effectiveness of a Proposed Strategy Based on The Core Thinking in Achievement and Mastery Motivation in Physics for Fifth-Grade Science Students <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; هدف الـبحـث الحـالـي الى التعرف على فـــاعــلــيـةاستراتيجيــة مــقتــرحة وفـــق مـهـارات الـتفكيـر مـهـارات الـتفكيـر الـمـحـوري في التحصيل ودافعية الاتقان&nbsp; في مادة الفيزياء لدى طلاب الـصــف الخامس الـعلـمـي، وذلك من خلال التحقق من الفرضيتين الـصــفريتين الاتيتين :</p> <ol> <li>الفرضية الـصــفرية الاولى :لا يوجد فروق دالة احصائياًعند المستوى (0.05) بين متوسط درجات طلاب "الـمجمـوعـة الـتجـريـبيـة" التي درست بـ"الاستراتيجية المقترحة وفق مهارات التفكير المحوري " ومتوسط درجات طلاب "الـمـجمـوعـة الـضابـطـة" التي درست بـ"الطريقة الاعتيادية" في الاختبار التحصيلي في مادة الفيزياء لطلاب الخامس الـعلـمـي.</li> <li>الفرضية الـصــفرية الثانية : لا توجد فروق دالة احصائياً عند المستوى (0.05) بين متوسط درجات طلاب "الـمجمـوعـة الـتجـريـبيـة" التي درست مادة الفيزياء بالاستراتيجية المقترحة"وفق مهارات التفكير المحوري " ومتوسط درجات طلاب "الـمـجمـوعـة الـضابـطـة"التي درست بـ"الطريقة الاعتيادية" في مقياس دافعية الاتقان لمادة الفيزياء لطلاب الخامس الـعلـمـي.</li> </ol> <p>استخدم الباحث المنهج التجريبي ، واستخدم التصميم التجريبي ذو الضبط الجزئي ، ذي المجموعتين المتكافئتين من ذوات الاختبار البعدي لتحصيل مادة الفيزياء ومقياس دافعية الاتقان ، عدد افراد العينة (73) طالب، وبواقع (36) طالب "للـمـجمـوعـة الـضابـطـة" ، ( التي درست بـ"الطريقة الاعتيادية")&nbsp; و(37) طالب "المجموعة التجريبية"، ( التي درست وفق الاستراتيجية المقترحة)، كوفئت مجموعتي البحث (التجريبية ، الضابطة) في (العمر الزمني بالاشهر ،الذكاء ، درجة امتحان نصـف السنة بمادة الفيزياء ، المعلومات السابقة ) ، ولغرض التحقق من هدف البحث قام الباحث&nbsp; ببناء اختبار تحصيلي تضمن (40) فقرة بصيغة اختيار من متعدد وتم التحقق من الخصائص السايكومترية للاختبار، وكذلك تم بناء مقياس لدافعية الاتقان تكون من (36) ضمن (3) ابعاد فرعية ، وقد تم التحقق من الخصائص السايكومترية للمقياس . توصلت النتائج الى تفوق طلاب "الـمجمـوعـة الـتجـريـبيـة" (التي درست وفق الاستراتيجية المقترحة) على طلاب "الـمـجمـوعـة الـضابـطـة"&nbsp;&nbsp; (التي درست بـ"الطريقة الاعتيادية") في التحصيل ودافعية الاتقان في مادة الفيزياء&nbsp; لطلاب الـصــف الخامس الـعلـمـي ، وقد قدم الباحث توصيات ومقترحات في ضوء النتائج</p> Akeel Ameer Jabr Daher Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 319 346 The miraculous personality In the novel “The Wedding of Zein” by Tayeb Salih <p>للشخصية العجائبية هيمنة واضحة في رواية (عرس الزين) للكاتب الطيب الصالح، إذ خلق الكاتب رؤية صريحة لتلك الشخصية، على مستوى الأداء، والأسلوب، والطريقة التي كتب فيها الرواية. حاول الكاتب أن يؤسس في روايتهِ إكتساب شخصيات متعددة، منها الشخصية الرئيسة، أو الشخصية الثانوية، فضلاً عن طريقة كل شخصية، في صورتها التي بناها وأسس لها، ثم جعلها متحركة ضمن شخوص الرواية. شكّل الكاتب شخصياته العجائبية من خلال رسمه لملامح كل شخصية بحرفية عالية، ومنها الشخصية التي رُسمت بصورة&nbsp; كاريكاتورية ساخرة، أو بصورة أسطورية، فضلا عن صورة البطل التي تمثلت في الشخصية التي تؤدي الدور الرئيس في الرواية.قدّم الكاتب تقنيات دقيقة في سرد الأحداث، من خلال الكاتب (السارد) الذي يعيش الحالة النفسية لكلّ شخصية، ويُعطيها ملامحها وسماتها التي تنسجم معها في مكانتها وانطباعها، في انفعالاتها وتصوراتها، إلى أن تكون الشخصية المتفاعلة مع الواقع المحبط بها. حاولنا التعرف على الشخصية العجائبية التي وظّفها الكاتب بشكلها الرئيس، وتشكيلاتها الأخرى، فضلاً عن تمثلات الشخصيّة العجائبية في رواية (عرس الزين)، والخوض في سماتها التي تُثير فينا الدهشة أو العجائبية.حاولنا كتابة هذه الدراسة على وفق مدخلٍ تعريفي بالشخصية العجائبية، ومن ثم خوض البحث في محورين أساسيين، تجلّى <strong>المحور الأول في دراسة ( </strong>تمثلات الشخصيّة العجائبية وتحوّلاتها)، أما <strong>المحور الثاني، </strong>فيتمثل بـــــ<strong>(</strong> الشكل الكاريكاتوري الساخر).</p> Ashwaq Hassan Rahm Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 347 362 Interactive Teaching Methods and Their Relationship in Developing Creative Imagination Among College of Education Students <p>The current study aims to investigate the relationship between interactive teaching methods and the level of creative imagination among students of the College of Education. It explores the extent to which these methods are used and their impact on developing creative imagination skills by analyzing students' engagement in the educational environment and its effect on their creative abilities.To achieve the study's objectives, two research instruments were developed: the first measures the extent of using interactive teaching methods, while the second assesses the level of creative imagination. The interactive teaching methods scale consisted of 35 items reflecting students' engagement with educational activities, whereas the creative imagination test comprised 15 items measuring students' ability to visualize, imagine, and generate creative ideas.The two instruments were applied to a sample of 110 students from the College of Education (morning study) for the academic year 2023–2024. The sample was selected using the stratified random sampling method. After conducting statistical analyses, the results indicated that students use interactive teaching methods at a good level, which positively contributes to developing their creative imagination skills. Additionally, the findings revealed a positive correlation between the use of interactive teaching methods and the level of creative imagination, suggesting that increased classroom interaction enhances students' creative thinking abilities.In light of these results, the study presents several recommendations and proposals to enhance interactive teaching practices, ultimately fostering creative imagination among students in higher education environments</p> Hayder Nasser Madhloom Al-Bdiri Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 363 390 The impact of decision-making strategy on the achievement of literature and texts among fifth-grade literary female students <p>The current research aims to identify the effect of the decision-making strategy on the achievement of the literature and texts subject among fifth-grade literary female students. To achieve the research goal, the researchers formulated the null hypothesis, which states that: "There is no statistically significant difference at a significance level of (0.05) between the average achievement scores of the experimental group students who study literature and texts according to the decision-making strategy and the average scores of the control group students who study the same subject in the traditional way in the achievement test for literature and texts.</p> <p>The researchers identified the preparatory and secondary day schools in Babil Governorate for the academic year 2023-2024, and the research sample was fourth-grade literary female students for the same academic year. A number of literature and texts topics were identified for one semester, so the research sample consisted of (60) female students, in two sections.</p> <p>As for the research tool, the researchers prepared an achievement test consisting of (30) paragraphs, according to the distribution of the test map, and the test consisted of objective questions of the multiple-choice type.</p> <p>The researchers used the following methods: The appropriate statistics, and the results showed the superiority of the experimental group students who studied according to the decision-making strategy over the control group students who studied according to the traditional method in obtaining the literature and texts material, and in light of the result reached by the current research, the researchers concluded a set of conclusions, including that the use of the decision-making strategy adopted by the participation pattern contributes to providing the opportunity for students to practice the skill of decision-making and reflection, in addition to overcoming the difficulties facing the teacher and reducing his effort, and in light of that, the researchers put forward a number of recommendations and proposals</p> Ghusoon Ali Hassan Israa Fadel Ameen Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 391 416 The beginning of the subject in morphology Yahya bin Rajab bin Ali Fadel, who died after (1051 AH) Second section <p>This manuscript is a small booklet in which its author summarized a number of important morphological issues, and it is clear from its title that it is a summary for beginners in the science of morphology among students of the Arabic language. Its author mentioned this by saying: ((I did not find a concise summary of morphology that included what they needed in terms of benefits, excluding what was not needed of superfluous things. I compiled a summary of it above what for them, conveying to them their trust and hopes, and I called it: The Beginning of the Beginning))</p> <p>The manuscript is divided into two parts. The first part is about defining the science of morphology, about the conjugation of verbs and their categories, and about the categories of nouns and their weights. It was verified by Dr. Ahmed Ghanem Al-Zalzali, and the second part - which is the subject of investigation here - Its author gave it a title: Chapter on Illal and Assimilation.</p> <p>I edited this section of the manuscript according to the well-known method in the science of investigation, and presented it with a summary, and because the first section of the manuscript was edited and the details related to the study of the author were mentioned, and the attribution of The manuscript and its importance. Therefore, I will suffice with describing the section of the manuscript under investigation, and explaining the method for investigating it, and I will move directly to verifying the text for the sake of brevity and benefit.</p> <p>I concluded the work with footnotes and a list of sources and references, hoping that this work would be useful to students of knowledge</p> Sabah Rahman Dayikh Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 417 440 Moral Self of Students in the Faculty of Education <p>This research deals with a study entitled (The moral self among students in the College of Education) The current research aims to identify the following:</p> <p>1- The creative self among the students of the College of Education among the students of the College of Education. The research sample consisted of (60 male and female students) who were selected in a random stratified manner from among the female students of the College of Education / Al-Qadisiyah University. The researcher relied on the moral self-scale prepared by (Abdul-Sada 2019) and after verifying its validity and reliability, the scale was applied to the research sample and showed Results: The current research sample has a high level of moral self.</p> <p>- There are no statistically significant differences in the moral self of the research sample according to the gender variable (males - females). In light of these results, the researcher developed a number of recommendations and proposals</p> Nagham Adel Najm Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 441 458 Perceived Self-Efficacy and Its Relationship with Motivation to Learn among Middle School Students <p>The present research aims to identify perceived self- efficacy and its relationship to learn among high school students in the center of Al-Qadisiyah Governorate, in light of the variables of gender and&nbsp; class . The research sample consisted of (400) male and female students that were chosen using the random stratified method in the center of Al- Qadisiyah Governorate for the academic year 2022- 2023 .</p> <p>A measure of perceived self – efficacy was adopted . This measure consisted in its final form , after verifying its psychometric characteristics (honesty , stability , discriminatory power ). Of 37 items . In addition , another measure of motivation to learn was adapted too . This measure consisted of 35 items , after verifying its psychometric characteristics ( honesty , persistence , and discriminatory power ). After collecting the data and processing it statistically using the appropriate statistical Bag for social Sciences ( spss) ,the research reached at the following results :</p> <p>1-The emergence of perceived self – efficacy among the research sample, high school students .</p> <p>2-The existence of learning motivation among the research sample , high school students .</p> <p>3-There are no statistically significant differences in the perceived self – efficacy variable according to the gender variable ( male , female ).</p> <p>4- There are no statistically significant differences in the variable of perceived learning motivation according to the gender variable ( male , female).</p> <p>5- There are statistically significant differences in the variable of perceived self – efficacy according to the grade variable ( fourth , fifth)and in favor of the fourth grade students .</p> <p>6- There are statistically significant differences in the perceived self – efficacy variable in the interaction between the variables of gender and grade . The interaction was&nbsp; between ( fourth grade males and fifth grade males&nbsp; ) and was in favor of fourth grade males .</p> <p>7- There are statistically significant differences in the learning motivation variable according to the grade variable ( fourth , fifth)and in favor of fourth grade students .</p> <p>8-There are is a positive , statistically significant correlation between the variable of perceived&nbsp; self – efficacy and&nbsp; motivation to learn among high school students in the center of Al- Qadisiyah Governorate</p> Ali Hakem Hassoun Al-Arbawi Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 459 510 Mental Stress and Its Relationship to Scientific Creativity Skills Among Middle School Teachers <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The nature of the teaching profession and its performance behaviors are sources of mental stress in all countries with educational systems, regardless of their levels and the financial income of teachers and their different satisfactions. This, in turn, affects scientific creativity among teachers. Therefore, this study aims to identify the level of mental stress in its various dimensions and its relationship to scientific creativity skills. The descriptive correlational method was adopted, and the sample was selected using stratified random sampling with equal selection since the community is heterogeneous, comprising (170) teachers, with (85) male teachers and (85) female teachers from middle and secondary schools in Haditha city, Al-Anbar Governorate, Iraq. To achieve the research objectives, a mental stress scale was prepared by the researchers, and the (2013) scale for scientific creativity skills was adopted after making modifications to suit the research sample. The tools underwent statistical analysis procedures, and after processing the data using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), the results indicated that the sample members generally do not experience mental stress across all dimensions. There are differences in the cognitive stress dimension according to the specialization variable, favoring the humanities specialization. Additionally, there are differences in scientific creativity skills among the sample members across all dimensions. There is no statistically significant difference in scientific creativity skills according to gender and specialization. Furthermore, there is no significant correlation between the two variables in general; however, differences exist in the cognitive dimension of mental stress and originality skill within scientific creativity skills in a positive direction</p> Mohammed Hamid Mohammed Nasser Al-Hayati Ali Rabi Hussein Shaima Amer Obaid Ibrahim Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 511 546 Features of Bedouinism in the Poetry of Ibn Nabata Al-Saadi (327 AH – 941 AD / 405 AH – 1014 AD) <p>This research seeks to shed light on the prominent phenomena in the use of words and images derived from the Bedouin environment, describing the desert, horses, and camels. The moral values ​​and principles that embody the chivalry of the Bedouin Arab, such as generosity, courage, and lineage, also appeared in his poetry. This combination of Bedouin heritage and high poetic style made Ibn Nabata’s poetry express a deep connection to his cultural roots, with the ability to present it in a distinctive literary framework that combines originality and creativity. Therefore, this study came under the title Manifestations of Bedouinism in the Poetry of Ibn Nabatah al-Saadi, and one of&nbsp; the reasons for choosing this study is the love of poetry and its study and to learn about; Who is Ibn Nabatah Al-Saadi? What is the concept of nomadism? What are the manifestations of nomadism? The aim of the research revolved around explaining the physical and moral aspects of nomadism in the poetry of Ibn Nabatah al-Saadi, as the research is an addition to those studies that focused on the life of this poet and explaining an aspect of his poetry. We relied on the descriptive and analytical approach, because it suits this type of study and investigation of poetic texts that included aspects and images of nomadism and analysis of poetic texts. The research plan required an introduction and two sections: As for the introduction, it dealt with the definition of nomadism in language and terminology. The first section was concerned with material manifestations such as courage, lineage, and generosity, while the second section studied the material manifestations, which were represented by the desert, the wolf, horses, and the camel. The conclusion included the most prominent findings of the study and a list of sources</p> Wisam Hamoud Dali Al-Halilawi Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 547 564 Manifestations of place in the poetry of Ibn Zamrak Al-Andalusi (d. 733 AH) <p>Place is the space in which creative events take place, as its details draw images of nostalgia and longing for poets. Each poet differs from the other in describing the manifestations of place, due to the reality he lives in. These fluctuations in place create many images in the memory of poets. He remembers the past and cries over the remains of homes and those who inhabit them. Place is the outlet through which the poet recalls his life with all its details. This connection is rooted in the human soul, detonating its energy and inspiring it to express and compose in realizing the circumstances it has gone through. From this standpoint, place took on a broad dimension in literary details. The reason for choosing the topic: The place is what explodes the creative literary energies and is a motivator for the characters. In addition, it represents the connection that the poet has with his environment, and is a source of strength for stability in building the character. Ancient Arabic poetry did not know an environment similar to the environment of Andalusia, so the poets delved into the accuracy of the description and the artistry of poetic images. The objectives of the study were to show the feature that the place manifested in all Arabic poetry, especially Andalusian poetry, as it creates a character for a poet and makes him fluctuate in his poems between one place and another, and this place changes and does not remain in one state, as it is defined by the character of the hero through sadness or happiness, so a study of the place takes many aspects whose dimensions are rooted in the poet’s psyche</p> Abdullah Hassan Mohammed Hassan Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 565 576 Alienation and alienation in the poetry of Baraa Al-Shami <p>The feeling that haunts any person in all societies, and makes him realize different things inside him, which makes him a stranger, and since each person has a different feeling from his peers, wherever a person is, his feelings and emotions fluctuate according to the circumstances he is going through. These cases are what generate alienation in the soul, as he cannot accept the situations as they are or respond to them due to the prevailing circumstances in society or the surrounding environment. We see him expressing this in his words, whether poetry or prose. When fear, anxiety or hesitation arises inside him, it is a great suffering that is reflected in his literary works, and this is called alienation. It may be psychological, social or spatial, if it is mentioned in the same way. His buried feeling is what generates the distinctive poetic images to represent his condition or a condition that society lives in. Alienation is classified as a very old phenomenon, it appeared in the first societies, due to the problems and crises at that time, and the individual faced it with his normal abilities and sometimes it led him to rebellion and disobedience and others to surrender and self-isolation and the reason for choosing the research: The reason for choosing this research is that we found the emergence of this phenomenon in the poet Baraa Al-Shami in a remarkable way, and the poet was keen to address this phenomenon objectively, which made us study this phenomenon in the poet and what requires studying and analyzing it, so we sought to make our study about him.</p> Ahmed Khalil Samin Al-Khazraji Abdullah Hassan Mohammed Al-Jubouri Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 577 592 The Effectiveness of Teaching According to Objective Thinking Skills in the Achievement of Arabic Grammar Among Fourth Scientific Students and Their Attitudes Toward the Subject <p>The aim of the research was to identify the effectiveness of teaching based on objective thinking skills in the academic achievement of the Arabic grammar subject among fourth-year scientific students and their attitudes towards the subject. The researcher followed the experimental method, and the sample consisted of 90 students from the fourth scientific year at Al-Jawahiri Secondary School in Al-Diwaniyah city. The experiment was conducted during the first semester of the academic year 2024-2025. The experimental group was taught Arabic grammar using objective thinking skills, while the control group was taught using traditional methods , After administering two tests (Arabic grammar achievement test) and an attitude scale, which reflects a psychological readiness (cognitive, behavioral, and emotional) that manifests as either positive or negative responses from the fourth-year scientific students towards a specific situation or topic, the extent of their thinking breadth and scientific orientations was determined based on the scores the sample students achieved in the attitude scale towards the grammar subject, which the researcher prepared for this purpose.After extracting the psychometric properties of both tests, the results showed that the experimental group outperformed the control group in the examinations. In light of this, the researcher concluded that teaching based on objective thinking skills is effective in enhancing the academic achievement of the sample students in the grammar subject. Additionally, the use of thinking skills in teaching proved effective in shaping the students' attitudes towards the Arabic grammar subject. Based on these findings, recommendations and suggestions were provided</p> Salah Al-Khair Aboud Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 593 614 The Impact of In-Service Training on EFL Teachers' Classroom Practices and Their Perceptions of Professionalization <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This study examines the contribution of ICT in-service teacher training on the EFL teachers’ practice in the classroom, and on their views towards the process of professionalization. It sets out to investigate how in-service training alters the instructional strategies employed by the teachers, their ability to deliver instructional content, and how they perceive themselves as professionals. The necessary information was collected using a mixed-methods approach to achieve the objectives of the study effectively. The quantitative component aims at determining the extent of change in the classroom practices of the teachers and their career growth while the qualitative section seeks to relate how the teachers trained in-service programmes perceive and experience them. Combining these methods makes it possible to expand data sources, obtaining not just statistically processed results but also detailed explanations of descriptive nature that help in explaining the data. The study showed that after the teachers received the training professional identity, use of advanced technology and their teaching practices changed for the better. On the other hand, the integration of technology and adequate support still remain a challenge</p> Arkan Rahman Sayah Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 81 96 The impact of the first Ottoman-Safavid peace treaty (Treaty of Amasya) in 1555 on the organization of religious affairs between the two states during the mid-sixteenth century AD <p>The Treaty of Amasya, concluded in 1555, is one of the most important treaties in the history of Ottoman-Safavid relations, because it was the first peace treaty concluded between them that was able to put an end to the state of continuous, endless war between the two parties, which had been renewed since 1532 during the reign of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent (1520-1566) and Shah Tahmasp (1524-1576). Through the articles it approved, it contributed to organizing the causes of the dispute between them, in addition to the efforts of both parties to maintain the state of peace by adhering to its articles and not violating them for 23 years. The importance of the topic lies in the fact that the religious reality of both the Ottoman and Safavid states constitutes one of the reasons for the conflict between them, and that the Treaty of Amasya contributed to creating a state of calm and stability between the two states over a period of 23 years, i.e. it addressed the causes of the dispute between the two states, including the religious factor. So what is its role in organizing the religious relations of both states over a period of 23 years? This question was a basic factor in choosing the research topic</p> Enaam Mohammed Obaid Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 615 632 The Truman, Memory and Exile in The Parisian by Isabella Hammad <p>&nbsp;This paper discusses themes of memory, exile, and hybridity in the light of postcolonial theory in Isabella Hammad's <em>The Parisian</em> (2019), drawing particular attention to the works of Homi Bhabha and Edward Said for theoretical insight. The essay investigates the ways in which the novel's protagonist, Midhat Kamal, navigates this labyrinthine question about his identity, which was unshackled in tussles between a never-rooted life of exile, the loss of any core, and crossfires between the Palestinian ethnic being and colonial France. This article will look at how Midhat's identity is modified according to the cultural forces at play in his confrontations with both Palestinian and Western spaces, drawing on Bhabha's ideas of hybridity and the "Third Space.". This paper further furthers Said's argument of exile as traumatic and formative in exploring the way in which memories of Palestine frame and complicate Midhat's integration into France's colonial society. The presentation represents how <em>The Parisian</em> contributes to the postcolonial discourse in the perspective of representing the complexity of Palestinian identity in diaspora, together with insight into larger dynamics of colonialism, cultural memory, and belonging</p> Ali Challab Abid Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 97 118 Topological Concepts And Their Relationship To Multidimensional Thinking Among Middle School Female Students <p>This research aims to determine the relationship between physiological concepts and multidimensional thinking among middle school female students. The researcher adopted a descriptive-correlative approach to achieve this objective. The sample consisted of 192 female students from middle schools, selected randomly to represent the research population The research aimed to answer three main hypotheses There is no statistically significant difference at the level (0.05) in the average scores of physiological concepts among second-grade middle school female students There is no statistically significant difference at the level (0.05) in the average scores of multidimensional thinking among second-grade middle school female students .There is no statistically significant relationship at the level (0.05) between physiological concepts and multidimensional thinking among the same group, After preparing the necessary tests and verifying their reliability and validity, the study's results revealed the following ,Female students in the second grade of middle school exhibited understanding and a positive relationship between physiological concepts and multidimensional thinking ,Statistical tools were utilized to ensure data accuracy and validity, such as item ,difficulty and discrimination indices, alongside the use of several statistical methods</p> Fayez Hashem Mohsen Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15 2 633 652