Scientific Reviewer Guide

Scientific Reviewer Guide

Reviewing in scientific journals: It is a process of careful and detailed study and examination of research papers to determine whether these papers are suitable for publication or not. We can say that what matters most is judging the originality of the research presented and the extent of the impact of its results, its quality and its importance in all fields. Scientific and applied life, that is, “giving legitimacy to scientific research.”

Many experts agree that Reviewing achieves many of the tasks on which scientific journals are based, including:

- Building a database to communicate the results of recent scientific discoveries and research to the international community.

- The journal should be a documented archive of published research.

- Clearing the way for scientists to document the latest scientific studies and discoveries.

- Emphasizing the importance of quality scientific research.


Criteria that the evaluator uses in Reviewing studies:

1-The extent of the originality of the ideas presented by the researcher and the benefits that accrue to society.

2- The suitability of the research methodology and methods.

3-The extent of research coordination and quality of presentation.

4- The researcher’s commitment to grammatical and spelling rules and the necessity of linguistic proofreading.

5-The extent to which the research design is compatible with the controls imposed and adopted by the Journal of the Babylon Center for Humanities Studies.

6-The extent of the relationship of the submitted research topic to the Journal's specialty.

7-The objectivity of the study and the value and accuracy of the results.

8- The extent of quotation from other studies.


Responsibilities of the scientific reviewer

1-The Reviewer must maintain the security and confidentiality of the content information subject to Review.

2- Reviewers must review research manuscripts that fall within the scope of their expertise and experience.

3-The Reviewer must have sufficient knowledge of the research topic he is evaluating.

4-The Reviewer must provide assistance to the editorial board in making the decision about the possibility of publishing the research.

5- Providing suggestions and comments on the research to serve the development of the study and achieve greater quality of research.

6- Maintaining the integrity of the research according to the standards of the journal in which the research was submitted for publication.

7-Identify the strengths and weaknesses of research papers.

8- Recording the amount of quotation and declaring plagiarism.