Author's Agreement

Author's Agreement

Editorial Director Board Of Journal Of Babylon Center For Humanities Studies

Manuscript Title (                                                         )

Submitted to publish in your journal I would like to undertake and agree with the following:

  • The above manuscript as a part or whole has not been published before and  it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere .
  • The publication has been approved by all co-authors All authors have contributed substantially to the study and to the preparation of the manuscript.
  • No part of the manuscript has been copied from any source and permission to reproduce table(s) and/or figure(s), (if any) has been obtained and we aware of mention previous publication/ presentations, if any or taken Written approval from author's of pervious publication .

4 – I bear full responsibility for the ideas of manuscript and abide by the Iraqi laws prevailing in writing the manuscript.

  1. The research is identical to the scientific facts and is not harmful in any way to any person or institution whose name may appear in the manuscript.
  2. I agree that manuscript may be used for scientific purposes.

7 - I agree to review and arbitration of the manuscript  by the arbitrators (Scientific evaluators)which determined  and identified by the journal and correct the manuscript  in case there is a need for that and according to the opinion of scientific evaluator.

  1. I agree to correct or draw the manuscript if there is any malpractice manuscript behavior or scientific or linguistic errors that  might be determined by the Scientific evaluators.

9 - I will not make new amendments to the manuscript after acceptance of the publication.

10 - In the case of there were  Articles  published previously in the global sites may be similar to the manuscript material ,it will be interested to encourage new ideas not outlined ,or it is complementary to the previous work with the need to maintain scientific honesty in the quote.

11- I  commit of applying published terms and polices.

12-I Commit to implement the above paragraphs and the journal keeps retaining all copyright and publishing rights and I bear the  legal responsibility under the prevailing Iraqi laws.

13- I  Commit to mention any conflicts of interest with any party, if any or not.

-There is (with mention with whom):

-There is no :

14- I Commit to to pay the declared  publishing fees.

15 - I Commit  not to claim the Journal of any money Resulting from the Printing and Publishing of the Article.

  1. I Commit not claim the submitted article or it's Submitting Fees (Paper or Electronic) to the journal if the article is not accepted for publication for any reason.

Author's Name:                                                                  Title:

Affiliation :                                                                         Signature:    

Mobile :                                                                               Email:


If there any other  co-author's below  their  names and  contribution of the Manuscript

