"Lights on the Architecture Types of the Arabic- Islamic Domes, Meshhad al-Shames Dome as an example


  • Ibrahim Sarhan Alshmery University of Babylon- College of Arts


Dome, scene, conical dome, architecture, conical


Domes consider a construction method to make roofs of arch or domed shapes those common found in all civilizations from a very early periods. It is also seem common found in ancient Iraq from pre-historic periods due constructing and factional purposes. Such methods considers better than a flat roof because with the dome we can create spaces and heights within the complex of architecture, for this reason it was used in the Islamic architecture, in addition it raise our spirits of dignity and majesty. As well as dome has spiritual and holy realm since dome inspired by the sky as it has been interpreted, so with its shape, height, colour and sanctity which give its real features those all related to the god, and spread in all kinds, such as religion and secular architectures, because it has features of construction, function, and sanctity purposes, as fellow:This study is bringing up the early domes, stages of its development, and the types as specific feature of the Arabic-Islamic Architecture. This study concentrated on conical domes, precise geometrical design of conical shape, which has two types, conical-ribbed ( stringed-shape like or toward) and conical مقرنصة (pineal shape) because it looks like a pineal. Iraq was a place where such kind of dome was appeared, developed perfectly, and was variety to other types, and such verity resulted from the environment where these domes were erected. In addition, such domes were very commend found in shrines and architecture of the holy building since 3rd and 7 th of the Hegira (6 th- 13 th AD). In this study is a field work research dealing with the (Mashhed al-Shames Dome roofing is the most common in human architecture, especially in Iraqi architecture, due to the lack of wood for this, in addition to that vaulted ceilings are more suitable for architecture than flat ceilings because the domed ceiling provides structural benefits, which is the balanced distribution of weights on ceiling cranes, whether walls or ceilings. Columns or pillars, and the wide spaces and high heights provided by the dome ceiling, which are compatible with some of the halls that increase their prestige, majesty and sanctity.


