Thul-Kalaa al-Himyari (died: 37 AH / 658 AD) A historical study of his biography


  • Aqil Muhammad Salih University of Babylon/ Babylon Center for Cultural and Historical Studies


Dhu al-Kalaa, Himyarites, the conquests of al-Sham, the Battle of Siffin


The history of the Islamic Arab state is full of figures who had a role in the emergence and the consolidation of the Islamic state and elevating its position, as they had a historical role and positions that helped in the formation of events and influence or be influenced by important personalities to take steps that had important historical dimensions in the life of the Islamic nation. Contemporary of the Holy Prophet Muhammad in his blessed life, but he was not successful in seeing him, and in the pre-Islamic era he was the leader of his people and was over the donkey tribes. The Noble Messenger sent to the kings of Yemen inviting them to Islam. thul-Kalaa responded to his call and entered Islam. He had a role in spreading Islam. He had heroics in the conquests of Syria against the Crusaders, where he valiantly defended Islam and achieved victory, and he had positions recorded by history until he took the Levant, after its conquest, was a residence for him and his followers, although he relinquished the prestige and authority that he enjoyed in Yemen as the master of his people and as a leader of the leaders of Yemen, to the extent that his people used to prostrate to him when the sources mentioned that he was claiming Lordship. In the pre-Islamic era, he entered Islam, abandoning all that prestige and authority, freeing all his servants and servants for the sake of God Almighty. He became a simple human being like the common Muslims, until he became close to Muawiyah when he took over the caliphate, so Muawiyah brought him close to him, cut him off the estates and lavished him with money, and despite his positions, he was not successful at the end of his life because The truth was overshadowed by the truth, or he was deceived by the world and its adornment, so he deviated from the truth until he was killed in the Battle of Siffin while fighting against the legitimate Caliph, Imam Ali bin Abi Talib


