The Algeria oil in French colonial plans 1900-1962


  • Osamah Sahib Muneam University of Babylon College of Basic Education
  • Ahmed Majed Abdel Razzaq University of Diyallah\ College of Education For Human Sciences


AlSaharan Petroleum Law, Evian Agreements, Hassi Messaoud, Algerian oil, French government


Algeria suffered from French colonialism that lasted for many decades and left its impact on all aspects of life in Algeria, political and social, most importantly the economic one. Oil and its use globally has made Algeria a large farm to supply the best types of grain and fruits to France. The steps towards searching for it since 1870 and with timid beginnings, did not result until the fifties of the twentieth century except in small discoveries that did not put France in the ranks of the other colonial countries that laid their hands on the most important sources of this wealth in the Arab world and the Middle East, until France converted to exploiting the vast Algerian desert and actually came The result is astonishing with great discoveries that France worked to monopolize for fear of the ambitions of major competing countries and issued laws regulating work and created oil companies It operates and extends the pipelines and creates ports and tankers for the export of crude oil to France, then allows the participation of other European countries and the United States in partnership contracts with French oil companies and within French terms so that the oil does not come out of the French grip and to benefit from the most important findings of other major oil companies in the methods of research and exploitation of oil , until the year of independence came in 1962, in which Algeria gained its political independence, but the oil remained in the French grip and the oil laws that France created to exploit Algerian oil apply to it.


