Political developments in Southern Rhodesia (1923-1980)


  • Hala Mahdi kayri University of Babylon / Babylon Center for Cultural and Historical Studies History Department / The Competence of Modern and Contemporary History


Cecil Rhodes, Zimbabwe, Lancaster House, Joshua Nkomo, Harary


When European delegations and troops began to move towards Southern Rhodesia because of the natural resources that attracted the attention of Europeans, white businesses began to extend their influence in Rhodesia in particular and in South Africa in general, as well as to send missionary missions aimed at establishing the cultural and political awareness of colonial states among the rich Africans who learned different European languages and then were able to learn the culture of European countries, which crossed great strides in political awareness and civil freedoms of the individual, which helped to The emergence of national movements on the political scene, represented by the African national opposition parties, despite the colonizer's numerous attempts to continue to extend his influence politically, economically and socially, has fragmented the ideas of the colonizer and brought them back. The Rhodesian situation continued to be managed by the British South African Company, which began to extend the railways to facilitate the task of controlling the area north of the Limpopo River to open it to British adventurers, as the colonizer Rhodes is one of the most prominent figures who supported British influence and colonialism in Africa in general, and Rhodesia South in particular, wherein 1880 he contributed a large share to the founding of the mining company De Beers and became its first mentor as he urged his government, which was characterized by hesitation. In this part of Africa to extend its influence, a decision was made to establish the southern colony of Rhodesia on July 30, 1923, later known as the Constitution of 1923, it became an autonomous colony, and so Rhodesia obtained (autonomy) according to the British recognition, as it was called Rhodesia, relative to the British colonizer Cecil Rhodes, Rhodesia included different races of human beings, but the most important of these races, the vast majority of which are living in the southern regions African.


