Sudanese-Somali Relations 1960-1982 A historical study


  • ghusun karim Mijdhab Al-Mustansiriya University/College of Political Science


Horn of Africa - Sudan - Somalia - Ethiopia - Ogaden


The strategic importance of Sudan and Somalia increased after the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, which made the two countries the subject of the ambitions of the colonial states in various historical stages, as Sudan was linked to Somalia culturally, socially and historically. High importance in the global map, as the two countries bring together joint struggle and heroic relations during the African continent's quest for independence and the defeat of colonialism. Sudan is among the first countries to form strong relations with Somalia, which led to the strengthening of the bonds of relationship and cooperation between the two countries, which witnessed rapprochement to a large extent. Thought, art and education, as the two countries are linked by a common history and human and cultural overlap. Sudan is also one of the most prominent supporters of the stability, unity and security of Somalia, and Sudan is linked to Somalia religiously in order to establish justice, defeat the occupier, and restore and liberate Somalia from the hands of the colonizer, which indicates the interaction and actual participation in the unity of the struggle Through the historical events of the two countries, and through the Somali resistance leaders’ benefiting from important matters, including military tactics, field command and battle management to resist occupation through their influence on the renewal Sufi movement in Sudan . The Sudanese-Somali political relations also had a major role, especially for what happened in the Horn of Africa region, as the border issues between Somalia, Eritrea, Sudan, Ethiopia and the issue of South Sudan formed common issues between the countries of the Horn of Africa by clarifying the roots and motives of the differences between these countries, and in order for Sudan to be able to From playing his positive role in the Horn of Africa and towards Somalia, he must solve his internal problems, particularly the problem of the south. On the contrary, Sudan's role remains a marginal and ineffective role in foreign policy.


