Dialectic of love and time in a poem of forgiveness to Rushdie Alamel


  • Eissaa Salman Droweish
  • Mothnaa Abd Alrassol Alshikery


Humanities, Arabic language, literature


Poetic text is identity of loose from the immediate and present to the world tightens poet to its skies; It's a visible world, and invisible, at the same time, or that more accurately land vision open to the world as a whole; as able poet of purification and appear consciously created by the system language of the text, if poem permanent transfer to the world, and in fact,and human. Detection of all sensation and pairing between him and the fact completion of the nature of the relationship between the self, and the data that is based on and fabricated experience poetry, thus bringing to function poet creative, through his sense of all manifestations of the experiment, and modeling these relations language created by, combining fabric poetic, with the element of fantasy intensify reality, and turns it into concentrated extract. ()The sense in time through love endure spiritual is the (absence, and attendance, and waiting) as the self remains in her assiduous, assess its existence, presence, remains anxious, to achieve perfection desire, and more accurately, the self remains struggling, as well for Mkadtha in the absence of love, or loss of, or loss of potential achieved, not only in the presence of the beloved, but also in the search in the poetic imagination about the experiences of real-time wave currents between the current drawn from the past into the future. hence our start working with Rushdie in his poem (forgiveness ) with the aid, including the availability of sources helped to carry out the research on this as May God help us to complete. It is worth mentioning that the poem in question was published in the Journal of pens published by Cultural Affairs public in its eighth in August of the year 1986, and for its house-term print poetry collection full of the poet did not give her in that group but was a provision last the same title The Group had written in 1963 (). While the poem we are studying by the poet in February than a year published in the Journal of pens, and we do not know the reason for this and perhaps such conjecture that Ajriqa certainty that the poem was not available at the institution for publication.


