Economic Status in the city of Hilla, since 495 Ah And until the end of the eighth century AH And raised in the construction of the city of Hilla


  • Dhahir Zabah Alshimery


Humanities, Islamic history


The city of Hilla prosperous since its inception in various spheres of life, and research study addresses some of the economic aspects enjoyed by Hilla and noted that the bulk of academic studies have focused on the political and intellectual aspects and moved away from economic studies for lack of sources.               Follow us in our study of the subject curriculum analysis and conclusion and the methodology of historical study to learn a lot about the history of the city, which was founded by Prince charity bin Mansour bin Dubies bin more Asadi after turn of the Emirate of the Nile (1) which is located on the north side of the city of Hilla, the longer this transition an important event in the life of the Principality Mazeedi of his desire to move away from the Nile region which masters strife and unrest, and did not fit with his ambitions to expand areas that wish to control them      The name comes Hilla several meanings, including folk disembark and those frequent and collecting old (2), an ancient city famous and was denominator Sultans of Bani more and era succession between Abbas and located on the Euphrates River and divides into two parts (3), and was the first place to establish the city of Hilla, the locality gatherers current, and has signed Akhiarna to this topic because it did not knock earlier this way and show the economic importance and should be emphasis on some of the factors that gave the city of Hilla importance of those who wrote about such proximity to the city of Babylon with historical depth and geographical location between Baghdad and Basra and regions Euphrates Supreme as well as the scientific status (4) and the presence of many Arab tribes surrounding on all sides, which enabled to assume economic center for those tribes (5), and must be taken into account military site of this city where enabled this site to meet the external challenges (6) , The choice of charity bin more based in the area of ​​collectors located on the western side of the Euphrates River indicates that Coppice was one of the favorite places for the rebels (7) has given these advantages the city of Hilla prestige in the eyes of the visited, where he stated Parsons (Parsons)     The city of Hilla, the heir to the glory of Babylon, which played an important cultural and political center and became an important economic source (9), and human capacity in terms of the number of people make all of this city settled leaders and governors to be taken based (10).       The study factors founding cities of great importance to researchers for the nature of these factors, particularly if each city * or more workers to choose a place built on the basis of that city was the economic factor of the main factors that drove charity bin more to build the city of Hilla, Vmoda on banks of the Shatt Al Hillah led to be the city's fertile land extending to large areas benefited from the perfusion Alchrista, has elaborated historians and Albuldaon Arabs in Male farmland that surround the city of Hilla, and here is the look charity bin more economic in the selection of the place where he wanted to be his hometown in site differs from other specifications that RPR site of the city of Hilla.       The importance of research in being interested in studying the economic conditions in the city of Hilla, since its founding in 495 AH and until the end of the ninth century AH, where is the economic factor to do with the mission to build a lot of cities and their development, and study this aspect has prejudice great to see the importance of economic factors that encouraged charity to choose gatherers first place to build the city of Hilla and development, and research is an attempt to determine the impact of economic factors and clarify the vision charity about choosing this place, and how helped conditions agricultural, commercial and industrial Prince Mazeedi to take a substitute for Nile homes ancestors that has become of great importance in various fields of life which gave a political role and economically significant, and therefore we see become of the Arab-Islamic cities that have contributed in various ways to the elimination of the Seljuk occupation of Iraq through its economic role.       Follow us in our approach to the analysis and conclusion, this The research is divided into two sections studied in the first section emergence of the city of Hilla, and their evolution over a period of research.      The second section has been the study of economic conditions and their impact on the building of Hilla, also examined geographic city of Hilla, and the importance of site Hilla geographically, and effects of terrain in building the city of Hilla, and agriculture in the city of Hilla, also touched on research to industry and commerce in this city and seal Find the most important Conclusions reached by the researcher, has relied on a number of sources and references that pointed to valuable information affecting the paragraphs search of them, Abu stay ornaments was alive 565 e in his morality Almsideh in Kings stamens, and a book Jawzi (d.: 591 e) in his book regular, and Ibn Jubayr (v: 614 e) on the trip, and Sapphire Hamwi (T: 626 e) in a dictionary countries, and the son of ether (v: 630 e) in his book full, and I'm Khalkan (T: 681 e) in his book mortality Senate and news sons of time, and I'm Alfoti ( T: 723 e) in the compound of Arts in dictionary titles, Abdullah Agheiathi was alive 891 e in his book History Agheiathi, and references book Emirate Almsideh to Abdul-Jabbar Naji and book city of Hilla major morning Mahmoud Khatib and history book Hilla to Yousif Karkosh and others.        Despite the importance of topic, but what has been written about was tight, but what came across and which seems clear that the bulk of the literature on the city of Hilla and how to navigate them Prince charity bin more Asadi and economic conditions in which it is only summaries of Ibn al, and Ibn AlAtheer .


