The Russian Revolution, 1905-1907


  • Nadia Jassim Kadhim al-Shammari


Human studies, European history


The Russian Revolution (1905-1907)Were not the product of an individual or a single class and only had collided with the majority, and the value of the real extent of the revolution and its popularity reflects the extent to which the broad masses and the packing of the forces re- shaping the future and impose its will . The feet of Marxist thought a complete theory of this revolution , but this theory lead role within the scope of Marxist philosophy , which is the revolution inevitable transition from a social system to a system other social and application dictatorship of the proletariat ( working class ) that transmits community of the capitalist system to a socialist society and the philosophy of thought Marxist crystallize "The idea of ​​Marx about permanent revolution means ... walk on the stages of the revolution, the ruling classes fall one after the other to put her hand on the working-class political power and on this basis, Marx did not put in front of the revolution led by the working classes the task of establishing the dictatorship of the proletariat directly it stressed the need to start the tasks of democracy and the expansion of the maximum possible in order to eventually reach a concentration of the dictatorship of the proletariat ... and re- Lenin consideration to the idea of ​​Marx on the eve of the first Russian revolution in 1905 in his plans of socialist democracy , which explain the correlation between the two phases of the bourgeois democratic revolution and socialism « as two rings for one chain and a general pictures for Russian Revolution » .


