General economic conditions in Algeria under French administration 1830-1962 and attempts to search for oil before independence


  • Osama saheb Monem


Humanities, the history modern of Algeria


There is no doubt that the French occupation for Algeria, which lasted 132 years, long-term effects affected all aspects of Algerian life, perhaps the most important economic aspects of this study was to shed light on that side before Algerian independence in with a focus on oil as an economic lifeline for countries in the twentieth century.In this sense devoted the first section to clarify the economic life in Algeria, which was based on agriculture, primarily unchanged similar condition all the Arab States of the Ottoman state, and that the French occupation a settlement nature came painted the first two sectors advanced sector occurs continued settlers French, and the Gaza Algerian farmers which knew Sustenance economy, with surrounding drivers to find that situation, as well as the most important section that displays how the control of the French Algerian trade sector through the control of the Algerian domestic market and export capital to France through the monopoly of the Algerian trade. At another level, this topic has focused review of the French efforts in reducing the handicraft industries Algerian, and to make Algeria the French market for jewelry, as well as the sufficiency only extractive industry for the Algerian raw materials and exported to France


