Representations concern in expressionist painting Edvard Munch as a model


  • salwa Mohsin Hamid al-Tai


Humanities, arts, expressive painting


The current research (representations of concern in drawing expressive _ Edvard Munch a model) in an attempt to detect the concept of anxiety and it's representation in output artistic aesthetic expressive, but for stopovers in artistic styles of the currents of modern _ drawing expressionist private _ came this study was to highlight the importance of the psychological dimension and it's representation in production aesthetic of the artist (Munch). And ending to achieve the aim of the research, which dealt with the study of representations concern in expressive drawing _ Edvard Munch a model, the research has included four chapters, the first devoted including: a systematic framework starting with the problem of search and search through in order to :- Revealed representations concern in fees Edvard Munch- For the time period (1885 - 1900) in the works of art (paintings textured oil) for the artist Munch, as well as identify the terms that expose her search. As such the second quarter, the methodological framework for research, contained three sections, within the first section, the concept of anxiety, attention has been focused in the second part, about, concern in the light of theories of psychology. The third section has included: anxiety and The current research (representations of concern in drawing expressive _ Edvard Munch a model) in an attempt to detect the concept of anxiety and it's representation in output artistic aesthetic expressive, but for stopovers in artistic styles of the currents of modern _ drawing expressionist private _ came this study was to highlight the importance of the psychological dimension and it's representation in production aesthetic of the artist (Munch). And ending to achieve the aim of the research, which dealt with the study of representations concern in expressive drawing _ Edvard Munch a model, the research has included four chapters, the first devoted including: a systematic framework starting with the problem of search and search through in order to :- Revealed representations concern in fees Edvard Munch- For the time period (1885 - 1900) in the works of art (paintings textured oil) for the artist Munch, as well as identify the terms that expose her search. As such the second quarter, the methodological framework for research, Vahtoy three sections, within the first section, the concept of anxiety, attention has been focused in the second part, about, concern in the light of theories of psychology. The third section has included: anxiety and The current research (representations of concern in drawing expressive _ Edvard Munch a model) in an attempt to detect the concept of anxiety and it's representation in output artistic aesthetic expressive, but for stopovers in artistic styles of the currents of modern _ drawing expressionist private _ came this study was to highlight the importance of the psychological dimension and it's representation in production aesthetic of the artist (Munch). And ending to achieve the aim of the research, which dealt with the study of representations concern in expressive drawing _ Edvard Munch a model, the research has included four chapters, the first devoted including: a systematic framework starting with the problem of search and search through in order to :- Revealed representations concern in fees Edvard Munch- For the time period (1885 - 1900) in the works of art (paintings textured oil) for the artist Munch, as well as identify the terms that expose her search. As such the second quarter, the methodological framework for research, Vahtoy three sections, within the first section, the concept of anxiety, attention has been focused in the second part, about, concern in the light of theories of psychology. The third section has included: anxiety and Tmtlath in expressionist painting. The third chapter contains research procedures in terms of inventory research community, the tool that included information gathering, and was adopting a sample of it in a way intentional, it was the number (6) models (paintings painted textured oil) covered within search adoption descriptive approach for the purpose of analysis. Finally the fourth quarter included the results and conclusions that emerged from the research in light of the goal, and how they relate with the theoretical framework data, and most important of these results :-1_for self-expression and ways to show concern form and meaning by giving away semantic and symbolic after failure of a realistic figure accommodate dimensional psychological and self Mknunat.2_ represented shapes in fees (Munch) varied in content and themes and ideas, as the artist to take advantage of the idea of a single basic and embodied broadcast speech optical creative new loader significance and implications of symbolic values expressive deeper and heavier, as in panel (dance of life).in expressionist painting. The third chapter contains research procedures in terms of inventory research community, the tool that included information gathering, and was adopting a sample of it in a way intentional, it was the number (6) models (paintings painted textured oil) covered within search adoption descriptive approach for the purpose of analysis. Finally the fourth quarter included the results and conclusions that emerged from the research in light of the goal, and how they relate with the theoretical framework data, and most important of these results :-1_for self-expression and ways to show concern form and meaning by giving away semantic and symbolic after failure of a realistic figure accommodate dimensional psychological and self Mknunat.2_represented shapes in fees (Munch) varied in content and themes and ideas, as the artist to take advantage of the idea of a single basic and embodied broadcast speech optical creative new loader significance and implications of symbolic values expressive deeper and heavier, as in panel (dance of life). in expressionist painting. The third chapter contains research procedures in terms of inventory research community, the tool that included information gathering, and was adopting a sample of it in a way intentional, it was the number (6) models (paintings painted textured oil) covered within search adoption descriptive approach for the purpose of analysis. Finally the fourth quarter included the results and conclusions that emerged from the research in light of the goal, and how they relate with the theoretical framework data, and most important of these results :-1_for self-expression and ways to show concern form and meaning by giving away semantic and symbolic after failure of a realistic figure accommodate dimensional psychological and self Mknunat.2_represented shapes in fees (Munch) varied in content and themes and ideas, as the artist to take advantage of the idea of a single basic and embodied broadcast speech optical creative new loader significance and implications of symbolic values expressive deeper and heavier, as in panel (dance of life).


