Poetic arts developed and updated For Hilla poets in the Middle Ages


  • Mohammed Shakir Masr al-Rubaie


Humanities, history, Poetry, Hilla


Praise be to God without end, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger Prophet, and the God of the flags of guides, and his companions on a granite majestics.The city of Hilla, science and literature and thought, one of the most Iraqi cities famous in abundance poets and scholars, tended to attention since its inception at the hands of the children of more years (495 e), and broadcast a reputation more after the occupation of Baghdad in (656 AH), where he received no invasion, no destroyed by the devastation of its matchs from Iraq cities ravaged by the Mongols, so characterized their positions relative stability, such as a clear difference from the other cities, which made them full of poets, writers and scientists, and because the poet in Hilla had was applauded by researchers, They wrote a lot, but the poetic arts developed and updated, did not find direct care covering area occupied by those contents, so came this research to reveal systems colors in an important stage, a mediator extended from one year age stage (656 AH) to a year (1335 AH) and standing at the poetic arts developed and developed, either with regard to the arts of poetry developed the poets were not content at this stage tradition and simulation poets mentioned themes of their time and adherence to manners and their meanings and their forms of poetry, and the adoption of their approach and wire way and weaving on their ways, but tried to look beyond mimicry and sought to develop from their systems and add to it an update in their time of meanings and ideas and new forms and methods, imposed by the new circumstances of their lives and created conditions of the current living and dictated them a matter of their age and its requirements and necessities, and dictated by the Bill of evolution and innovation, and these arts consisted of poetry (b poetic history, etched, and Zajal, and hair humor, puzzles), and the terms of the arts poetic novel was a new life and developments in the Middle Ages of impact in it's Commonness and spread in literary circles, that life which mixed many human races and included many peoples, and mixed with the customs and traditions and natures are diverse and appeared in variegated cultures and different ideas, and developments in which conditions and data, led turn to the secretion of those arts that mostly relied on the violation of classical Arabic and non-compliance with its rules sober and use of slang words and exotic widely and come out on the seas and weights known and traded in all ages of the above-Arabic literature of poetry, and with non-compliance Templates and laws, has been that the arts (b Alqoma and Almwalia The item and Alcan was Aldobat).


