Criminal protection of the environment and its impact on health


  • Mahmoud Miri Khalili
  • Abbas Mansouri Abadi
  • Haider Ali Muhammad


Criminal protection, environment, health.


The following research addressed that environmental crime has become one of the most dangerous forms of organized crime and is a threat to the future of humanity and the sustainability of life. This crime is no less dangerous than any other terrorist crime. Some believe that environmental terrorism is the most dangerous crime that requires severe penalties, because it threatens the future of all people without exception, and contributes to financing conflicts and wars in many developing countries. Environmental crimes affect the natural resources of the environment and are the most dangerous and harmful. From here, the researcher concluded that there is a close relationship between health and the environment, and that any defect in one of them affects the other. In addition, protecting health entails protecting the environment from one of its serious problems, which is the spread of epidemics and diseases as an environmental problem, and protecting the environment in all its forms affects human health from both psychological and physical aspects. Because of the importance posed by the environment and because its protection is considered a basic principle and even a duty that is in the public interest based on the rules of public benefit that have given the state the privilege of having the right to protect the public interest of society; This led to a tightening of the appropriate penal deterrence in preventing any risks to any element of the environment, which necessitated the intervention of the criminal law in this field as an element of protection and guarding the pillars of environmental law and the issuance of legislation and laws in order to protect the environment and combat pollution, with the support of this legislation in order to Give it respect and application by people and adherence to it, As we mentioned above, the purpose of environmental punishment is to adhere to legislation and achieve deterrence, both public and private, by punishing the violator, removing his violation, and returning the situation to what it was before the violation occurred, in order to avoid it. Accordingly, international efforts have joined forces to achieve environmental criminal protection.

