The concept of Gestalt insight and its role in the process of plastic artistic creativity (the pointillist school as a model)


  • Abbas Turky Muhisen


Gestalt insight , visual art


The topic of the current research focuses on stimulating the mental awareness represented by artistic creativity through insightful knowledge, which pushes the individual into the field of comprehensive knowledge in general and artistic awareness in particular. It provokes an emotional response in the soul. We explore its problem by asking: What is gestalt insight and its role in the process of plastic creativity? While the research gained its importance by stimulating conscious visual perception on the one hand and using it to achieve arousal on the other hand. Then the goal of the research centered on identifying gestalt insight and its role in the process of artistic creativity. The current research also included defining the terms that included the procedural definition and the topics contained in the second chapter, which included the theoretical framework. The first topic is the concept of gestalt and its laws: 1-Gestalt 2-Structure or composition 3-Balance 4 - Cognitive reorganization, the second topic: clairvoyance and speciation, its laws, and applicationsThe third section included the creative process. The third chapter dealt with the research procedures, which is the research methodology that followed the descriptive analytical approach. The research community relied on a community framework of approximately 50 paintings. The research sample included three models that were chosen intentionally to achieve the goal of the research, while the research tool included indicators of the theoretical framework and then Analyzing the sample models that resulted from the research results in Chapter Four, we will mention some of them

1- Reduction and simplification appeared with a high degree of suspicion

2- The overall direction of movement in one direction, or what is known as the movement pattern, towards a specific point on the painting appeared in the three models of the sample. Then conclusions and recommendations.

