The grammatical probability of the nominative noun associated with the fa in response to the condition in the Holy Qur’an


  • Jassim Taha Ahmed


Faces. Parsing. Possibility. Deletion. Raised


The Arabic language is based on multiple styles and various structures, with a delicate technical structure, vitality, flexibility, and how? God Almighty has prepared it to carry His heavenly message, represented by the Holy Qur’an, and this internal structure of the Arabic language is incapable of being encompassed by the pen, just as the intellect is unable to comprehend it. No matter how many studies we have presented that do not give a full picture of this great language, the possibility may touch on some of its structures, due to the closeness in the grammatical function or the compatibility in the meanings obtained from those structures. The issue of the conjugation of (faa) in some of the vocabulary of the Holy Qur’an caught my attention, and these vocabulary came in the accusative case as a singular not a sentence in the answer of the condition, and it is known that the answer of the condition such as its action must be a sentence, especially the answer that is not required to be an actual sentence, but rather It may be a nominal sentence, and then it must be associated with the (faa).

The interpreters of the Holy Qur’an observed this issue in the name mentioned above, and they stopped at those structures and explained the grammatical possibilities that the mentioned name had, and the most prominent among them was Al-Samin Al-Halabi in his book Al-Durr Al-Masun fi Ulum Al-Kitab Al-Maknoun. He - may God have mercy on him - was attentive to her and expressed the parsing that every place could bear.

Most of the nominatives in response to the condition are that three inflections can be nominative on the subject and the predicate is deleted, or the nominative on the predicate and the subject is deleted, or the nominative on the subject with a definite verb that is appropriate to the context, and it applies to every construction in which this matter occurs.

