The Legal oversight of economic institutions


  • Ariyan GHASSEMI
  • Muhammad Arif Hameed


Legal oversight, economic institutions, corruption


To protect the members of society, which contributes to its development and progress, but at the same time this implementation requires spending huge amounts of money from the state, and requires a great deal of awareness, awareness, specialized scientific and technical competence, and good governance. of the contracting administrative authorities to achieve the optimal application of this oversight. Given the important role that internal control plays as an effective tool in reducing corruption in government departments, this study assumes a direct relationship between the effectiveness of internal control and reducing corruption in government departments. State departments and institutions rely on Public, economic and commercial oversight is largely in the implementation of legally prescribed tasks and duties. Rather, they consider it the best way to accomplish these tasks, as it allows them to obtain basic goods and services that enable them to provide public services to members of society and thus meet the needs of economic and social development to achieve the country and raise the level of well-being of its people, as higher goals that public authorities seek to achieve in accordance with policy. General provisions of the state and the provisions of the Constitution. There is no ethical indicator about the extent to which internal control contributes to reducing corruption in the government’s oversight of the jurisdiction of institutions in Iraqi and Jordanian law from the point of view of those working in internal audit departments. In order to ensure the quality of public economic and commercial institutions, speed of completion and economy of spending, one may resort to the most skilled open and hidden methods to achieve this. For all these circumstances surrounding the implementation of oversight, it has become recognized to say that there is an inevitable link between the exercise of administrative control and the work of public institutions on this implementation in accordance with the principles And sound legal standards that are based on integrity, transparency, openness, and avoiding manifestations of arbitrariness, violating the law, and committing corruption.

