Textual transcendences in the po etry of the Iraqi sixties generation The accompanying paintings) are an example


  • Akhlas Abdul Wahid al-Jubouri
  • Walid Shaker Al-Naas Al-Muthanna


Accompanying paintings, body, recipient, textual correlation, interpretation


Textual transcendences achieved their active presence in the poetry of the sixties generation. Because of their special style, semantic dimension, and cognitive richness, they have the ability to achieve another reading, and in view of the importance acquired by textual transcendences, which took it upon themselves to crystallize the content of the text and interrogate the textual thresholds that are concerned with everything that surrounds the text, including the cover, title, introduction, dedication, introduction, Accompanying paintings, etc., as the thresholds are no longer merely facades that are randomly signed, but rather have become texts that have their reading and interpretive weight, as they contribute to presenting the text and ensuring its reception, so that they make the recipient grasp the basic lines of the text, and be able to decode it, enter into its depths, and know the intention of the poet or The author behind it and his in-depth analysis .                              

    Textual thresholds constituted an effective strategy in understanding the text, illuminating its worlds, and realizing its identity and existence, On this basis, it occupied a large part of contemporary Arab critical studies, due to the reading goals it carries with interpretive dimensions in reading the literary work and revealing its aesthetic significance.                     The accompanying image of written texts is a new matter imposed by printing developments and scientific progress, The intellectual memory of the creators was filled with many productions that used various images and decorations, with expressive colors, lines and drawings. Hence, the artistic painting in poetry collections became of literary and expressive importance, in addition to providing a function. Aesthetic and spiritual, it attracts the recipient intellectually and visually, and at the same time contributes to creating an encouraging reading atmosphere not only in its time, but also opens up to space and space, and is refreshing for the mind by moving it across times and places. The theme of (the body) has taken its share of all mythological, religious and cultural knowledge. He entered with all his weight into the arena of studies that pushed him to the forefront to reveal his tendencies and desires, especially in the texts of sixties poetry .                                 

     Choosing the poetry of the Iraqi sixties generation as a text for study and a space in which to interrogate their poetic works, especially the accompanying paintings that were included in the texts of their collections, did not come from nowhere. Their production was of great abundance, reflecting a strong-paced drive to create a distinctive poetic scene that would be difficult to approach if it were limited to the text. A specific one, as this generation represented a new stage in the poetic path, especially their continuous attempts to dislodge old concepts, heading towards new horizons that match their ambitions and are in line with the movement of poetic modernity. The observer in the struggle of poetic transformations can almost come away with the fact that the legitimacy of any modernist demand does not stem from a structure. Society and its aspirations towards change only, to the extent that they come from intermarriage, cultural and intellectual integration, and being affected and influenced by others; To achieve the characteristic of distinction and diversity, creativity is nothing but a departure from everything familiar, so we find that the poets of the sixties searched for what distinguished them intellectually and artistically.

