The position of the United States of America on the Bosnian war(1992-1995)


  • Hassan Abdul Ali Kadhim Al-Tai


Bosnia and Herzegovina, United States of America, Dayton Agreement, ethnic conflict, European Union.


This research deals with the causes of the war that broke out in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1992 after the dissolution of Yugoslavia, one of which was the Serbs' refusal to be part of a state after they were the ones in control of all the Yugoslav lands, as they resisted any independence by the former Yugoslav countries, which included Bosnia, which declared its independence after Croatia declared its independence, The Serbs did not accept such an event, so they committed several crimes against the Bosnian Muslims and wanted to obliterate the Islamic identity in it, and they also worked on a campaign of genocide and ethnic cleansing. A war that raged on for five years, during which foreign countries intervened in order to establish peace and stop the fire of war that the Serbs ignited, However, the European countries failed to achieve peace between the conflicting parties, which forced them to request intervention by the United States of America, which eventually worked to forcefully enter NATO forces, under its leadership, in order to end this conflict, and in the year 1995 the United States of America was able to end A war that left more than 100,000 dead, and displaced many more than that. Then, the country was divided into ethnic enclaves under the Dayton Peace Accords.


