The dialect of the people of Badra compared to the official Persian language (comparative study )


  • Ayad M. Hussain
  • Ameer Kadhum Abbas
  • Ali Hikmat Abdul Rahim


standard Persian language, Philic Kurdish, Elamite Kurdish, Badrei dialect, accent changes.


The dialect of the people of Badra is one of the Iranian dialects that is closely linked to the classical Persian language due to the Aryan roots of its speakers, who are members of the Faili Kurdish nationality, and the geographical location of this city adjacent to the Iranian city of Ilam, which is inhabited by members of the same nationality. This dialect is popular among the nationalities living on the Iraqi side and on the other side of Elam province. This research is a comparative study of the dialect of Badra, which is one of the local dialects of Iraq common in the city of Badra, one of the cities of the Wasit province of Iraq, which is located on the border of Iraq and Iran, and the standard Persian language. This dialect has many similarities with the Southern Kurdish dialect (Elam)and Standard Persian.

      Therefore, in this research, an attempt has been made to examine this dialect as one of the Iranian dialects, which, despite the dialectal changes in it, many phonetic, grammatical and semantic aspects, are still connected with standard Persian. In this research, the researchers try to express the phonetic, grammatical, and semantic differences and similarities with standard Persian language, and to record samples of this dialect and compare them with standard Persian language, to a field sample with (native speakers) of it. They relied on the region. The obtained results show that the Badra dialect has undergone phonetic changes and evolutions and has slightly moved away from the standard Persian language. In addition to the influence of Arabic pronunciation on this dialect, it is due to the residence of its speakers and their influence from the Arabic environment of Iraq.

