Climate change in the minmum temperature compoenent and its impact on potato yield in Anbar Govemorate


  • Hameed Rajab Al-Janabi
  • Mohammed Rahim al-Dulaimi


درجةالحرارة الصغرى، محصول البطاطا


The study dealt with climate change in the minimum temperature component and its impact on potato crop productivity in Anbar Governorate for the period (1993-2022). The study focused on a problem of great importance facing the agricultural sector, which is climate change, which represents the most important factor in agricultural production. The researchers relied on the (Minitab) program to analyze the data and draw shapes to show indicators of change. The researchers also relied on finding the correlation between the minimum temperature and And crop productivity in its spring and fall periods. An increase in the minimum temperature and a decrease in the frequency of cold waves work to extend the growth period of the crop and the completion of its maturity, because a sudden decrease in the minimum temperature reflects negatively on the growth of the crop and the growth processes stop, and then the seedlings die, and then the plant wilts and then dies gradually. The study concluded:

1- The amount of change in the minimum temperature of the study stations recorded a positive change of (1, 1.14, 0.84) C at Ramadi, Hit, and Al-Qaim stations, respectively.

2- The amount of monthly change was recorded as a positive change in all months, except for the month of January, where the amount of change was recorded as negative and amounted to (-0.82, -0.42, and -0.53) t Ramadi, Hit, and Al-Qaim Celsius, respectively.

3- The amount of change in the productivity of the dunum yield in the study area reached (3.1, 3) for the dunum yield in Hit and Ramadi districts for the fall potato crop and (3.2, 3.1, 2.9) for the spring potatoes in Hit, Ramadi and Al-Qaim districts.

