The civilizational creativity of Muslims in Andalusia during the fourth century AH


  • Jawad Kazem Mutlak General Directorate of Anbar Education


civilized creativity, Andalusia, Islamic civilization, the fourth century AH


The Arab Islamic civilization in Andalusia was characterized by many aspects of creativity in various fields of intellectual civilization, including the scientific ones. That the Europeans deliberately transferred and developed the civilizational innovations of Muslims, and witnessed the success of non-Muslims in the creativity witnessed by Andalusia, their language, literature and the abundance of their intellectual production in an unprecedented way, thanks to the policy of tolerance and justice that prevailed in the atmosphere of Andalusia under Islamic rule. The Islamic civilization in Andalusia was a mixture of civilizations in the East and the Maghreb, so they invested in the products produced by the civilizations that preceded them, so they proceeded to develop it until it was dominated by the Andalusian character. Andalusian women contributed with men to the advancement and development of Islamic civilization there. She had a prominent role that appeared clearly and clearly on the pages of Andalusian civilized history, and the female writers were among them. As well as their contribution to other sciences such as medicine and engineering .The issue of intellectual cross -fertilization, which was one of the most important things that gave Andalusian life the character of overlap between the people of society, has emerged, so he drew the features of a culture in which the bright creativity mixed with Moroccan. Moreover, the Islamic culture and its religious forgiveness had the most prominent effect on the survival of Andalusian society, full of security and reassurance, to be A fertile environment for creativity in various fields, which made it the focus of attention of Europeans, who have taken a place to send to those who wish to learn and provide knowledge.


