The word (a few) and its connotations in the Arabic language: " agrammatical semantic study


  • Salah Mohsen Hazem Abdul Karim Ministry of Education / Iraq - General Directorate of Education in Nineveh Governorate / Bashiqa Education Department


word, a few, grammatical semantic study


The semantic study is one of the most important linguistic studies, and for this reason I wanted a semantic contextual study, and I chose the topic of this research titled (The word “a few” in the Arabic language, a semantic grammatical study). Including: cut off, the vague number from three to nine, even if linguists disagreed about it, and elucidation, and boredom, and shaq, and in the sense of traded, drank, and treating the word (a few) as a sign of the number, treating the numbers (from three to nine) with their rulings in the number as feminine and masculine, It comes alone, or is used with the contracts (coupled), and compounded with the ten. Accordingly, the nature of this research necessitated that it be divided into two requirements, the first requirement included talking about the connotations of the word (a few) in Arabic dictionaries, while the second requirement was in the speech limited to the provisions of the number in the word a few because one of its indications is the number from three to nine. And the matter is not limited to choosing the exact type of the word in its place, but rather in choosing the word repeatedly in more than one place, so that it indicates every time a meaning that is not in its equivalents. I have tried to explain the significance of the occurrence of this term in every place and its relationship to the context and meaning. To reach the statement of the accuracy of the context in repeating the same word with different connotations, and that is to mention the sayings of the imams of the language, and then I mention the guidance that I see - and God Almighty knows what it means


