Techniques of narrative discourse in (The President's Gardens) by Mohsen Al-Ramli


  • Jawad Hadi Hussein Al-Fadhli Sumer University Faculty of Basic Education the department of Arabic language


narrative techniques , personality , event , time , place


Mohsen al-Ramli's novel The President's Gardens is distinguished by its high ability to touch reality by highlighting the most prominent humanitarian, political and social issues in Iraqi society, and it has become a political and social document. It conveys what is going on in the corridors, the shortcomings of the regime, in an artistic way, making it close to the facts in an artistic way that tries to deceive and distort reality. In order for the recipient to prepare for the mixture between reality and imagination, and we find that the novel “The President’s Gardens” has achieved this overlap between what actually happened, and what the novelist tried to convey in an artistic way that makes the recipient imagine between reality and imagination, and from the title the novelist created this illusion, as the gardens are the place of flowers and roses, but we find them a place to bury bodies Who was tortured the most horrible torture before her burial. We find the novelist misleading the recipient by presenting the title of the novel, Gardens of the President, and then showing the opposite. The study dealt with the most prominent narrative techniques of narration, personality, event, and space-time. The study seeks to clarify the way the novelist uses these techniques and masters them. We find that he has used different types of narration and developing and flat characters, as well as in time retrieval, deletion, and liberation, and in the hostile and friendly place. Then the most important results of the study


