Relations Alcaldah Median historical study Through cuneiform texts And classical sources


  • Faihaa Kazem Galle Al-tourfy
  • Osama Kazem al-Tai


Human studies, ancient history


The Alcaldah State is one of the most important dynasties old Iraqi known strain eleventh founded State Babylonian Modern , which made ​​achievements starred in the East and west at all levels, cultural , political , military, economic , and become in the ranks of the great powers in the world at the time, and began occupies them militarily , and Tgaraha economically reaching the summit to widen the geographical distance that has been able to extend its influence towards the Levant and communication in Egypt Pharaonic and Persia Median , creating a hostile front and lurking State Babylonian that they have as much to go on from the year 626 BC. AD until 539 BC . M. , so that after Cyrus the Great Emperor Achaemenid from entering the Spar then Babylon , capital of the state and overthrow the king Alcaldah Enbaunid .


