Al- hilla citizen role in the Iraqi revolution of 1920


  • Star Nuri al-Aboudi


Humanities, modern history, Iraqi revolution of 1920


who trace the studies that written on the 1920 Revolution in Iraq, if they thought the census Arab Research and Studies, articles and non-Arab, which I wrote about that revolution, he will find a great deal in it, hundreds exceeded that of thousands of research, books, articles, letters and scientific thesis , inside Iraq and beyond. And dealt with those written subjects, the revolution of a different political and intellectual, social and economic angles and so on, and our subject here relates to a specific angle of the corners that many of the revolution, which angles on the participation of hilla citizin of pan residents Brigade Hilla, or what is now called (b Babil province) and not the city of Hilla ( the county seat) only, in that task revolution, whether it's through the national political forces during any of the political parties and organizations based glorified or through social organizations of the tribe in the countryside, led by tribal leaders who are within the geographical area of ​​the brigade of Hilla.


