Wellington Koo and his role in Chinese politics (1887-1939) AD


  • Salah Khalaf Mchaa


Humanities, history, modern history


Contributed Wellington Koo in each event diplomat almost since 1912 and until 1967 , it was chaired by Koo Chinese delegation at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 , and refused to sign a peace treaty because it did not include the restoration of the rights of Chinese related to the province of Shandong Chinese or cancel demands Japanese st century. Triumphed diplomatic Koo in the Washington Naval Conference (1921-1922) on the confidentiality agreements with Japanese major countries and the military machine Japanese and even the Japanese diplomatic as well as when managed in this conference, which was chaired by also the Chinese delegation to regain the territory of Shandong to China , as well as the lifting of restrictions on trade and customs tariff Chinese . The victory of Koo in the Washington conference to push the Chinese government sent to negotiate with Russia, and he signed with them in 1924, the Russian-Chinese agreement , which ceded by Russia for a lot of privileges for China , that convention was another victory for diplomacy Koo. Succeeded Koo to win the League of Nations , to adopt the report of the committee to iTunes , it condemned the report, the Japanese occupation of Manchuria in 1931 , and demanded the return of the territory to China , did not end up on it , but was able through his work as an ambassador in the capitals of European countries in mobilizing international support to the issue of China and the safety of and territorial integrity of the Japanese attacks , which lasted since 1931 , and until the beginning of World War II in1939. Thus counting Koo throughout almost half a century of Chinese power and its weapons outside China who can rely on it to repel attacks and restore their rights in a time when the lack of arms and military power , as a model for counting Koo philosophy of Chinese political reform .


