Russia's role in the Lovers of Zion Conference 1884


  • Hassan Abdul Ali al-Tai


Humanities, history, modern history


the history of Zion Movement Lovers is mini-Zionism history as a whole. Perhaps the main difference is the realization of the Zionist movement after Herzl inevitable dependence on Western imperialism to put into practice the Zionist project, and at a time when the Lovers of Zion fell in self-reliance. It is noted that there are several currents within the movement has become one of the most important trends in the Zionist movement: Trend general led to Alenblom calls for the establishment of settlements and by without insisting on any preambles, then two currents represent the ethnic discourse first mainstream ethnic secular represented by Ahad Ha'am, and the tide of religious ethnic led by Muhiliver. It is noted that these two currents, despite the virtual Conflict, they continued working together in order to achieve their Goals, these movements were not but an echo of the dispute interface in the Jews and the dispute with the countries that is home temporarily to them, but the most prominent role Russia played in the founding of the Lovers of Zion, which embraced conferences for the most part, in this brief on the so-called "Lovers of Zion View," we will know them first, and we refer to the role of Russia in this regard and we follow this assembly and its impact on the Zionist situation inside and outside Russia .


