Unity and sovereignty in the decorative design of the Iraqi Popular carpet


  • Safa Lutfi


Humanities, arts, Carpets, handmade decorations


Findcarescurrentstudyunity andsovereigntyin thedecorative designofthe popularIraqiCarpetsandis located in thefourchaptersare exposedtothefirst chapterof the research problemandwhich can be summarizedby askingthe following:Is there aunity and sovereigntyinall designsdecorativecarpetIraqi popular? What are themechanismsAchtgalathma? As well as theimportance ofresearch andthe goal ofthe research andthe limits ofresearch andalso to identifythe terminology. The second chapterincludedthreesections:the first section.The historical development ofthe craft ofthe numeratorof the IraqiPeople, and thesecond topic:bilateralunity andsovereigntyinthe Arab-Islamicdecorative designWhiledevotedChapter IIIof theresearch proceduresofthe research communityandthe research sampleandsources of information gatheringand analysis ofmodels ofthe research sample, while the third chaptercontained the results ofresearch,which include:wiredesignerIraqiinhis designsimplementedon the carpetIraqi popular(folklore), the principle of sovereigntyby employingcoloritovercomesmost of themodelsinthe research sampleand thepresence ofsaturatedred colorwhichhasattributesmake him acolorcushions. As well asrecommendations and suggestionsand sources.


