The Qushayris and their political and cultural role in Andalusia


  • Taha Mikhlif Abdullah Ahmed Al-Shaabani


Andalusia, Qushayrians, political, cultural, religious


The Qushayris are one of the tribes that trace their origins back to the Qahtanis. History has witnessed them in the scene of its events, during the wars of liberation and the Islamic conquests in the East and the West. Personalities emerged from them whose name shined in the political, military and cultural aspects. As for the internal level in Andalusia, their military role was active during internal conflicts, whether Conflicts between the Qaysiyah and the Yamaniyah, or between the Arabs and the Berbers, and this is what we did not witness when the arrival of Balj ibn Bishr al-Qushayri, who entered Andalusia with his ascendant and supported the authority of Cordoba in reducing the danger of the Berber advance with their three armies, who sparked the conflict within Andalusia, and each section of them became its own destination and aspirations to control the most important cities of Andalusia. Each of these three armies has an independent commander, as the Berber rebellions in Andalusia had a major destabilizing effect The Berbers in a number of Andalusian cities declared their rebellion. Which took on a political, religious and military character, similar to what happened in Morocco, so they united their masses and chose a leader for them, and they intended to march on Toledo and Cordoba and then to the island, to pave the way for the Moroccan enemy Berbers to head to Andalusia, and to support them in their rebellion against the Arabs. At the beginning of their rebellion, the Berbers were able to defeat all the Arab campaigns that confronted them, but after the entry of Belj al-Qushayri, the balance changed and the Berbers were defeated, and his name shined after this victory As for their role in the cultural aspect, many scholars have emerged from them and contributed to the activity of the intellectual movement in Andalusia, and this is what we will discuss in our research entitled (The Qushairis and their political and cultural role in Andalusia). The research was divided into two sections. The first section was entitled Their political role in Andalusia. In the second section, we touched on their cultural role.

