The Migration and Exodus of The Meccans from The Governor of Mecca to before The Prophetic Mission


  • Saad Omar Muhammad Amin Al-Sabaawi


migration, exodus, Meccans, Quraysh, Prophet, Axum


The Meccans were subjected to psychological and moral persecution, which led to their exodus from Mecca. Religious persecution in Mecca reached its peak from the infidels of Quraysh, who thought that those who followed the Messenger were calling for a new religion. The prevailing circumstances encouraged the mistreatment of the needy and the poor, as they were badly exploited by the wealthy to increase their property. And its consolidation, in addition to the scarcity of goods and their concentration in the hands of a small number of merchants who were busy amassing their wealth through fraud, hatred and conspiracies, and their departure from Mecca was in self-defense.

The current study aimed to investigate the reasons that led individuals and groups from Mecca to choose to migrate, including religious persecution, economic factors, societal pressures, and the need for a safe haven, and to analyze how the migration affected the spread of the Prophet’s message and the creation of a new Muslim community in Medina. Exploring the role of immigrants in spreading Islam and its impact on the growth and development of the religion, highlighting the migration and exodus of the Meccans, and providing insight into the historical, social, and religious dimensions of this period.

I relied on the historical approach to describe the phenomenon of the migration of the Meccans to and from Mecca and to follow up on the problem, to answer the problem of the basic study that reflects an understanding of the causes of these migrations, the experiences of the migrants, their impact on Meccan society, and their repercussions on the spread of Islam.

Through it, I concluded that the migration of the Meccans from Mecca before Islam provides valuable insights into the historical context in which Islam appeared and the challenges faced by the early Muslims. It highlights the steadfastness, determination and commitment of the Meccans who converted to Islam and played a crucial role in its spread.

