The significance and symbolism of the number among the Semitic peoples


  • Mazin Muhammed Husain


digit, number, seven, symbol, connotation, sublime


The research deals with the idea of ​​the sanctity of some numbers and numbers among peoples in general and Semitic peoples in particular, as some numbers took on this importance through their connection to the rituals and customs of Semitic peoples, and their connection to matters related to the worship and religious matters of those peoples. It was appropriate for us to address some of these numbers and the numerical ratio they represent, and to understand the reasons for their selection and their acquisition of this importance. In our research, we discuss numbers from ancient times among the Sumerians and then the Babylonians, which represent the oldest peoples historically, and we discuss the selection of those numbers to gain that importance and sanctity among some peoples, such as the number seven.

We should also have addressed the importance of studying numbers and the importance they gained in terms of their mention in the Holy Qur’an and the places in which they are mentioned. The noble verses that dealt with the mention of numbers show the importance of the subject due to the presence of numbers and numbers in them and their repetition to indicate their importance and symbolism in the Holy Qur’an. Some numbers have taken on a certain sanctity for man. When hearing a specific number, some numbers continue to be circulated by man and he begins to sanctify them without knowing the reason for that. Among these numbers is the number seven. This number has been linked to many events and occasions and was mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, as well as what the significance of the numbers means and their treatment in the noble verses in the Holy Qur’an, and we know. The occurrence of a specific number or number in the Qur’an takes on a meaning different from the meaning of its occurrence in another place, as its appearance in the Qur’an takes on sanctity and another meaning that may differ in interpretation from its mention in other places. It was appropriate for us to put in the conclusion of our research the results that we brought to our study.

