The concept of political and financial tyranny in Surat Al-Qasas - an objective study


  • Majid Feisal aboud


stories – financial tyranny – authority – politician


Political tyranny and misdistribution of wealth, if distributed. The reason for the stagnation of countries.     

Praise be to God alone, and prayers and peace be upon the one after whom there is no prophet. And after: This is a scientific research entitled:

 ((The best stories are those mentioned in explaining political and financial tyranny in Surat Al-Qasas - an objective study).

The Qur’an tells us the news of the unseen, which took place between the messengers of God and their nations, between obedience and disobedience, the outcome of the pious, and what was the outcome of the deniers, the oppressors, and the criminals. All of this points to the point of lesson in the context of the story, explaining the place of wisdom, good news, and foreboding. Perhaps one of the reasons for repeating the stories of the prophets is sometimes with brevity and other times with redundancy, including the story of Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, peace be upon them. It has been repeated several times because of the lesson in it, and here is the story of Moses and Pharaoh with clarity and redundancy. It contains Enas, the author of the Islamic message of Muhammad.

God Almighty commanded His Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, to declare the exclusiveness of his servitude to the Lord of Mecca and its sacred Kaaba, to whom everything belongs. This is an indication of God’s absolute sovereignty and an indication of what is to come by rebuking the two political (administrative) tyranny represented by the authority and rule of Pharaoh as a model in Surat Al-Qasas, and the other tyranny: which is financial (money). Wealth and illicit enrichment are represented by Qarun as a second model. The observer of the Arab reality in particular and the Islamic reality in general, based on the stories of Surat Al-Qasas, finds that they suffer from three problems:

Among its ranks: political tyranny. The nation is marginalized. Individuals run the political scene and decision-making. There are no experts to be heard, and they have no value or place. Their place has been crammed by the Sultan, praising the Sultan. And with another complex defect, you find a citizen coming out of prison after twenty years of injustice, praising and praising his jailer for his Treat him well, there is a smoky ruin inside the person, a building full of smoke.

