The role of international organizations in protecting treatment with traditional medicine


  • Maryam nimr hashem
  • Hossein Hashemi


herbal medicine, international organizations, traditional heritage.


Although folk medicine has attracted the interest of many countries and cultures, the study related to it has to be stopped socially as well as scientifically. The legality of medical practice requires obtaining a license for this profession because it relates to human life, and folk medicine is still in conflict with modern medicine.

       Traditional herbal medicine is a cultural heritage passed down through the ages by societies. It is closely related to pharmacy, the environment and biodiversity and is owned by the organization to which it belongs. We do not find a corresponding protection for traditional folk medicine, unlike other intellectual property rights such as patents, trademarks, undisclosed information, industrial designs and models, new plant varieties and integrated circuits that enjoy national and international legal protection under international agreements.

        This resulted in an illegal appropriation of the knowledge of herbal healers. Through the foregoing, the following problem can be raised: What is the legitimacy of using herbal remedies, and what is the role played by regional and international organizations in protecting traditional herbal medicine?

       In order to answer this problem, many international and regional organizations have contributed to the protection of this traditional cultural heritage.

      The practice of traditional medicine follows the practice of pharmacy by administering herbal medicines to the patient, which requires obtaining licenses to practice medicine and pharmacy related to medicinal herbs.


