Representing the Sudanese diplomat in foreign conferences and supporting the Algerian revolution


  • Jamal Faisal Hamad Al-Mohammadi
  • Rasoul Muhammad Nayef Al-Dulaimi


France - Algeria - Sudan - Conferences Bandung - Monrovia - Belgrade - the Algerian issue


Sudan's role in supporting the Algerian revolution was highlighted in conferences through Sudanese delegations highlighting the heroic role of the Algerian revolution and its success in resisting the occupier. We emphasized the achievements achieved by the Algerians in their conferences against French colonialism. Sudan contributed to formulating demands and conference statements, the Bandung Conference, Monrovia, Belg, and others, and through Charter of the right of the people to freedom, independence and peaceful coexistence. The year 1958 was the real beginning of relations with Algeria, especially after President    Ibrahim Abboud assumed the reins of power.

      In Sudan, which quickly announced officially its support for the Algerian revolution, which opened the door to visits by many Algerian officials to the Sudanese capital, Khartoum. Perhaps the most prominent of these visits was the visit of Farhat Abbas in May 1959, which was considered one of the important visits by Algeria to Sudan at that time. In contrast, the Sudanese government affirmed its official and popular position of standing by Algeria in its liberation revolution and getting rid of the restrictions of colonialism, despite the state of poverty that Sudan was suffering from at the time.

