The syntactic structure of the opinion articles headlines in the Hebrew press


  • Hamid Marhoon Hamad


syntax structure, title, opinion article, sentence


This research sheds light on the syntactic structure of opinion article headlines in Hebrew journalism, with the aim of revealing the most effective structures in forming these headlines. To achieve this goal, a sample of opinion article headlines from the newspapers "Maariv" and "Israel Hayom" published on their websites in 2023 was analyzed using the descriptive-analytical method.The headline is a main factor that attracts the reader's attention to the content of the article, prompting the writer to craft it very carefully. The research concludes that the structure of these articles is characterized by brevity and a focus on meaning. Additionally, it was found that the simple sentence is the most common type in the structure of these headlines, because. • The opinion piece occupies a significant and large place in the Hebrew press. These articles provide information on topics that provoke discussion among Israeli society.• A title is one of the most important elements of the journalistic article in general and the opinion article in particular. It is the opening to the article, and its main purpose is to attract the reader's attention and make him continue reading the article.• Titles of opinion articles in both newspapers tend to be short, clear and concise, they usually contain the main topic of the article.


