The effect of the list-group –label strategy on the achievement of the intermidate third grade female students in the material of history


  • Fayhaa Hussein Naser Babylon Education Directorate


Strategy, Experimental design, History, Intermediate Stage, Achievement


The current research aims to knowledge the effect of the list –group –label strategy on the achievement of the intermediate third grade female students in the history the researcher depended on the the experimental design for two groups(experimental–control),the sample from56 students ,the experimental group of 28 studen girlgs, they were studied by using the learning of strategy (list –group –label ) for students ,and the control group of 28 student girls ,they were studied by using ordinary method ,the two groups were equalized with the variables :achievement the school year for the previous ,the chronological age ,and educational level of the father and mother ,the researcher use a post –achievement test consisting of 34 items of type multiple choice to be a research tool,and she achieved from validity of tool by show the test on the number of expert and specialists ,and the level of difficulty and strength of distinction were calculation for each paragraph of the test ,and extact the stability of the test whose value was 0.71 using the half - dividing method, the researcher derived a number of behavioral objective ,and prepared a number of teaching plans for two groups , the study reached the following results: the average achievement of the experimental group that was studied with the strategy list –group – label was greater from the average of the students of the control group who studied in the ordinary method ,Thus ,the hypothesis that states that there is no statistically significant difference between the average achievement of the experimental group who studied with the strategy of list –group – label and the group that studied by using ordinary method ,the researcher used usual chi-square ,T.test ,and Spearmans –Brown as statistical tool ,


