Pride at Nabhani Descriptive inductive study
Pride, Overkill, Excessive, Self, Al-NabhaniAbstract
This study deals with the topic of pride in Al-Nabhani, and that is because pride in Al-Nabhani takes a special path, as our poet went a long way in it, and exaggerated it with crude and rude exaggerations. Until it became the most common feature in his poetry, so we find Al-Nabhani proud, whether he was lamenting, satirizing, or flirting, so the spirit of pride, especially his pride in himself, appeared in all the purposes of his poetry. Rather, al-Nabhani's pride in himself made many scholars point fingers at him, accusing him of shortcomings and psychological complexes.This study aims to identify the phenomenon of pride in Al-Nabhani, and to explain what it represents in relation to his poetry and personality. This study necessitated that I follow the descriptive-inductive approach, by following Al-Nabhani's pride in all its manifestations, and showing its abundance in his poetry. In these studies, it relied on previous studies, including: Al-Fakhr in Youssef the Third, prepared by Mahmoud Rashid Mustafa, Al-Fakhr in the Pre-Islamic Era (an objective study, of the poetry of Al-Fakhr in Qais bin Al-Khatim, prepared by: Adel Hajji, Al-Fakhr and Enthusiasm in Arabic Poetry, prepared by: A. Dr. Al-Sayyed Abdul Halim Muhammad Hussein Diwan Al-Nabhani, An Objective Artistic Study, prepared by Shukri Barakat, Al-Nabhani, Poet of Diversity and Difference, prepared by Saida Khater Al-Farsi. In this study, I concluded several results, the most important of which are: that pride in Al-Nabhani reaches the point of exaggeration and narcissism, and that pride in himself was the dominant one in his poetry compared to his pride in his family and his tribe, and the diversity of the poet in his expression of pride through the use of many methods such as the pronoun, (we), (how much news), (interrogative disapproval), (exaggeration form), and other methods.