The extent to which Arabic language teachers use smartphone applications in the high school


  • Muhannad fadhil farhood Al- janabi General directorate of Education \ Babylon\ Iraq


Arabic language, smartphone applications, high school, range


This research aims to know (the extent to which Arabic language teachers use smartphone applications in The high school) the research sample consisted of (eighty) teachers of the Arabic language affiliated to the Directorate of Education in the center of Babylon Govemorate, as they were chosen by the intentional method, and the researcher chose the descriptive approach Given the nature of the research and its procedures, and in order to achieve the objectives of the study one of the researchers sought to measure the extent to which the applications are used The smartphone consisted of (twenty) paragraphs, and their validity and reliability were verified. The researcher started applying the questionnaire In the first course of the academic year (2020-2021) through the network (internet) because of my inscription And Bah Karuna" and the disruption of attendance in public schools, and the researcher concluded that the use of applications The smartphone by Arabic language teachers was at average degrees, as some teachers had a different opinion, in A number of the questionnaire's paragraphs that consider education by smart phone applications as a successful alternative to face-to-face education, Encouraging Arabic language teachers to use e-learning through smart phone applications Various educational situations Conducting a field study on the extent to which smart phone applications are used by Arabic language teachers in other Spreading awareness of the concept and culture of e-learning, its importance, and how to benefit from it at the educational and educational levels, especially the school and its educational or teaching cadres. stages of study The researcher recommended .


