The Doctrinal Impact of Allamah Al-Hilli (726AH/1325AD)


  • Ali Kareem Amra Quraishi Babil Eduction Directorate.


Al-Allamah Al-Hilli, doctrinal, Khoda Banda, Al-Hilla


Al-Hilli had an effective impact in the various arts of human knowledge, until he won titles that distinguished him from the scholars of the era such as Ayatollah, Sheikh of Islam, the great Imam Mujtahid Al-Allama. The students who took knowledge from him until their number exceeded more than (500 mujtahids) who influenced them through the change in the way of thinking that was reflected on his students, as well as his doctrinal ideological influence, which was clear when he presented his argument and proof of the correctness of what he believed in, and this is what happened In the court of Sultan Khoda Banda, in front of the audience of scholars from different Islamic sects, who were fascinated by the method of discussion with the presence of witness from Historical novels , Accordingly, he received acceptance and approval from the Sultan and from most of those present. As a result, the Sultan believed in Al-Hilli’s belief and doctrine and made it a doctrine of his sultanate. Then he began to spread the ideas and principles of the Imamate doctrine by establishing the car school that accompanies the Sultan on his travels, whether in peace or war, through which he authored many of the The books and this appears through what the scholar chronicles at the end of the book by month and year from the end of its composition. These books formed the intellectual dimension of the Shiite doctrine that nourished all the issues that the Sultan was objecting to in various ideological and legal aspects. . Allama Al-Hilli remained righteous in his city, Al-Hilla, Al-Fayhaa. If he left it, he did not hurry to return to it, until he died in it. His body was transported, as usual, loyal lovers to the land of Amir AL- muminin, Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him) Al-Najaf, and he was buried close to him a few meters away, specifically under the northern minaret on the right of the entrance to the Haram Purgatory from the small door and his grave is visible to this day


