Lamentation of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) in the poetry of Hassan Mosbeh Al-Hilli (Died 1317 AH)


  • Munther Ibrahim Hussein Al-Helli University of Babylon


Ahl al-Bayt - lamentation, praise - ornaments - poetry


Lamentation poetry is one of the wonderful arts of literature that combines the power of imagination, the sincerity of emotion, and the warmth of feelings, and it is the crying of the dead and their mourning by remembrance of their praises, their courage, and the agony of their separation. On the idea of aches and pains on the linguistic origin on the word (ratha) and lamentation in the terminology of linguists, the crying of the dead and enumerating his good deeds in black and prose, Among the well-known words in lamentation are son, lament, and mourn. The eulogy is: the praise of a man after his death. The mourning is the crying of the dead and the enumeration of his good deeds. As for the obituary, it is: the obituary of the dead by broadcasting his death or telling of it among the people and with these four words: lament, lament, lamentation, and eulogy appear from the poetry of lamentation. death and from In the old days, the lamentations of kings, individuals, poets, orators and scholars, and the Arabs used to present poets to preachers in their exploits (because they needed poetry that would limit their exploits and enhance their status) and among the lamentations are family, loved ones, friends and relatives. For this reason, lamentation became a form of praise for the ancients by explaining the qualities of morals, generosity and courage. For this reason, Al-Jahiz believes that the narrator is not a poetry narrator until he narrates the poetry. The language of poetry and feeling in lamentation varies in poems according to For its various purposes, but in lamentation and flirtation, he made it clearer in it than others. He built the volatility of poetry on four basic rules, as he said: (The rules of poetry are four: command, prohibition, news, and intelligence) and lamentation is the truest of the areas of emotion and the finest poetry. Because we say that our elders are burning)


