Patterns of the grammatical responses of Ibn al-Khabbaz (d. 639 AH) to scholars In the book Al-Ghurra Al-Mukhfifa (a pilgrimage study)


  • Hussien Jaafer Aubeid Directorate General of Education in Babil


Pattern, Ibn al-Khabbaz, Hajjaj, Persuasion, Influence, Refutation, Scholars


Religious, linguistic, and literary sciences are among the most prominent sciences that flourished in the environment of Mosul during the Atabaki rule (521 AH - 660 AH), and among the scholars who combined the Qur’an, jurisprudence, language, grammar, literature and poetry, and excelled in these areas, Ibn al-Khabbaz, the grammarian, who was one of the grammarians and his literary knights. Gentle soul, sweet phrase, and the book (Al-Ghurra Al-Makhafi fi Sharh Al-Durra Al-Alfiya) is one of the early explanations of Yahya Bin Maat’s millennium, which dealt with that millennium with explanation and clarification. Away from stuffing and stretching. he was not intolerant of a particular grammatical doctrine, but rather said what he deems correct, and from here we chose the patterns of his responsestothescholarsinthebook of his responses. hidden bangs; Because the subject of patterns has not had its share of study,He did notshed light on the arguments of these responses to him, as he responds in order to protest, and is likely to be persuaded, in addition to the fact that these patterns are considered a pattern of grammatical thinking patterns, and there is an expansion of the responses due to which the responses have become mentally developed patternsof grammaticalists. ; Hajj is based on persuasion and enjoyment. It seemed to us to define the paths and methods of research in the light of an introduction, nine demands and a conclusion, and the sources and references of the research. His name, his lineage, his knowledge, his death, his works, then talking about the pattern, and the response. Al-Hajjaj, in language and terminology as a vocabulary of which the title was composed, and then I mentioned the patterns of Ibn al-Khabbaz’s responses to scholars in demands, as follows: First: The logical pattern. Second: the weighting pattern. Third: the ordinal pattern. Fourth: The pattern of responding with weakness. Fifth: The style of the scientific response. Sixth: The style of responding by acting. Seventh: The pattern of responding to the witness. Eighth: The style of critical response. Ninth: The response pattern in the percentage of illusory opinions. Then a conclusion with the results of the research, the sources of the research and its references. It appeared to me in the light of studying the patterns of responses to scholars that he used a comprehensive, blocking style and graphic performance palatable to the understanding of the recipients. It contains words that are acceptable to the recipients, so this blog came to take into account the tastes of the recipients. And the expansion of the patterns of responses according to Ibn al-Khabbaz was investigated, whether weak or justified or weighted, and it seems that the stability of terms, the stability of grammatical rules, and the extrapolation of issues had an impact on this reactive coloration and diversity. logo in this blog.


