Mark in the ancient civilizations


  • Amjad Mohmed Hassan Alameedy


Humanities, Ancient history


The meaning is still of interest to scholars of Arab linguists and Eloquence and grammar man and interpreters, critics, philosophers and regions and fundamentalists and scholars, meaning is the foundation which to build any serious linguistic study. Each study in any branch of the language but aims to understand the meaning and perception, has become the meaning level of linguistic analysis called the semantic level into which tributaries linguistic studies of voice and exchange and about so is the semantic level for linguistics and accurate.Research finds that the significance is perceived mental process based on correlation and integration between the pronunciation and meaning to get to the final outcome, which represents a very understanding language (1).He has made Muslim and Arab scholars tremendous efforts in the field of semantic search, says Fischer: ((if we exclude China No other people has the right to pottery abundant science books of his language, and he felt early it needs to coordinate its vocabulary according to the principles and rules non-Arab)) (2).Reflected semantic search when linguists and logic man and philosophers talk about significant word and call general indicator , and describe word then as "holistic" like the word "tree" which launches on everything in the universe of millions of trees, and if determined significance or narrow its scope was said: The word became partially (3), and philosophers share in terms of theorizing ((in divisions signify an indication linguistic, philosophical, logical, or in divisions other to denote verbal to semantic status and nature of Aristotle, philosophers Muslims, while adding regions Arabs the later in their division beginning of the seventh century AH these two indicators mental significance)) (4).The features of semantic search at Western appears in its inception when Greece, the Middle Indians were, and almost researchers agree (5) that studies titled (semantics), which emerged in the nineteenth century, specifically in 1883 when he issued the French scientist (Michel Real ) tagged his (Search in semantic) is the beginning of systematic semantic search, as me examine the significance of some words of ancient languages ​​that belong to the Indian platoon - European. The emergence of the two Linguistic schools (school construction or structural) and (school obstetric manufacturing) has had a clear impact in establishing the foundations semantic search when Westerners and is de Saussure His first school and pioneered who founded rules Modern Linguistics (Linguistics) through lectures in General Linguistics .


