Aesthetic response and It's relationship with Personal Characteristics for Students of the Faculty of Fine Arts / University of Babylon


  • Mona Kidher Abbass Altaey
  • Kazim Morshid Darib


Humanities, Arts, analytical study


Research problem and importance and the need of it:See most of the literature that beauty is Mthreold the recipient inter physical and psychological changes and provoke his attention and be seen and it rushes to respond to him. The difficulty facing any researcher on the subject of beauty are closely related areas of wide range of human life, as well as the plurality of opinions about the meaning of beauty and sense it and respond to it views can not be treated as scientific theories because they were not subject to the terms of scientific research, Researchers do not see it, but as hypotheses scientific verifiable or refutation because it reflects the views of their authors, and there is no confirms validity scientifically, has assumed some studies that respond aesthetic influenced inter effects, a psychological state have distinct identity and nature unique, a phenomenon on the table for the study, and measurable. The confirmed (Stolentz) The role of psychology in the interpretation of taste and aesthetic response. Perhaps the most important focus of specialists from the dimensions influential in response aesthetic dimension is emotional, which includes personal values ​​and trends and tendencies and motivations and personal characteristics Altatalb a key role in the formation of the background and emotional accept whereby rights or reject what is being offered or exposed models are tasting and evaluation. According to many of psychologists in general, personal and psychologists in particular, that the study can be personal basic approach in understanding human behavior, and that of the best entries for consideration is classified according to the features that make.As long as people walk differently according to their features, including the aesthetic response of human behavior, so trying researcher disclosure of the relationship between personality traits and aesthetic response, has identified the problem considered the following question:Is there a relationship between the aesthetic response to the recipients and other characteristics which question has not been answered scientifically is a scientific problem researchers sought to be addressed in the current search.


