Theoretical foundations to critique criticism


  • Rasheed Haroon


Humanities, Arabic language, criticism


It is clear, that the practice of literature and art earlier than awareness of it's Terms and Concepts, and at the same time seems to be a sense of reviewing writers of literature, had accompanied the process of producing literature that, and so "it can be traced very beginning of the critique criticism to the time of the early conformation first criticism himself" ().      And that critique criticism needed conformation first literary criticism, as he goes to the critic Baqir Jassim Mohammed, who counted "Aristotle's theory in simulation seed embryonic First we have received thus can promise some sort of critique criticism theoretical indirect theory teacher Plato in the parable, which received In his book (the Republic), it makes adjectives (theoretical), and (Applied) Brackets because of critical thought in those early historical period had not known critique criticism mention Ranked theoretical and practical "().    The Arab critique criticism "as an intellectual activity qualitatively, it is as old as in a recent article in his term, has to do much revolved around debates Arabs old and Msaglathm, issues of literary and rhetorical and theoretical and practical cash no doubt the significance of" ().However, the practice of criticism criticism has been lacking in awareness of its meaning, and cognitive limits of Article endoscopy, says one of the students: "While none of this transmitted between the folds of the books in the past, the winning hit of awareness is clear, and even some acute awareness sometimes in the modern curriculum, which is about to issue a prominent feature within the cognitive status quo, and for the first time to take shape within Mtsourat monetary theory and tables terminological lexicon "().       An examination of the available literature we have shown that the presence of the term (critique criticism), which delayed his appearance relatively, not accompanied by a theoretical adequately disclose what it is, and confirms its special characteristics.     And coordinated way question remains awareness term (cash money), and to take him and his, to the infinite limits, and decoding confusion happening between him and disciplines other, especially literary criticism, which expanded space interpretation it to be the focus of attention criticism criticism as words "in Monetary represents, whether in the form of drafting knowledge incomplete or semi-complete, a form of reading confrontation to read again, the face does not prevent different degrees unit and kinder and reached many times end adulation and ingratiating, clash Monetary where cash-other, there is the breadth of interpretation and annotations and interpretations and differing perceptions and arguments and intellectual backgrounds and methodology, that incentive becomes criticism Monetary craters in the text entity cash and stay there in the heart of interpretation "().      So, we can say that for granted systematically, that the definition of the term or terms that revolve around books and theses and theses and studies published in peer-reviewed journals and specialized, and rooting concept, and prosecution of the motivating factors for her appearance; important part, and an authentic any scientific research, but that did not happen, especially in most of these works, which claims to go into cash Monetary explicitly, or put the title of her writings, as did the uniqueness of these studies, and books a definition of cash money, and what it is, and than, and procedures to degree "seemed status criticism cash in our exciting question in many ways, more of a critic draws attention to the existence of cash money, and defines its subject, and its relationship with cash and little to do in Onsagah and its role in the review and evaluation ... but that did not acknowledge the criticism Monetary prominent position in the field of thought, and did not extend the process definition, and did not create a device theoretically explains the conceptual structure and defines the features and reveals factors appearances and incentives "().     This means that the status of criticism Monetary still need the efforts of scholars to Taeselha, projecting on a solid scientific basis.     And there are those who go to the "writings in the areas of cash cash on plentiful and diverse, has remained until now orbiting literary criticism, and respond to allegations of theoretical and applied, and did not play, making them the theory of independent literary criticism and in spite of the The presence of a large number of studies and articles that have exercised criticism cash and put the term (Cash Money) in Anoanadtha, or referred to in the content "(by).And of those books and studies include:(critique and critics Contemporaries) ().(Mohamed Mandour Arabian Monetary and laparoscopy) ().(Monetary criticism, novel learning) (a).(Contribution in literary criticism) ().(Arabian Monetary problematic new) ().(critique criticism and contemporary Arabian Monetary arthroscopy) ().(New Arab literary criticism in the story and the novel and narrative) ().(Mirror المتخالف, cash approaches in contemporary Arab thought) ().(Analysis of literary discourse on (sic) light modernist critique criticism, study in the criticism of criticism) ().(Technical standards in the criticism of modern criticism) ().(critique criticism in the Arab heritage book ideals stepper in literature writer and poet model) ().And university theses and dissertations that addressed the subject of critique criticism recall:(Abdul-Jabbar Abbas as critic) ().(Stubbornness Ghazwan as critic) ().(Jalal Khayat as critic) ().(Fadhil Thamer ascritic) (a).(The language of modern criticism in Iraq, the second half of the twentieth century) ().


