Quranic objectives ,a contemporary study


  • Muhammad Abbas Nehaia Al-Gerayawi General Directorate of Babylon Education


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When researching the topic of Qur’anic objectives, the research showed that the article “intention” in the Arabic usage, and after extrapolating it in the linguistic dictionaries, it became clear that it signifies common and multiple meanings, but when it is launched it is mostly directed towards something and heading towards it.  The term “maqasid” is often added to the Sharia, which is the well-known, and it is also added to the Holy Qur’an.  Although the objectives of the Qur’an are more general and comprehensive than the objectives of Shari’a;  It is the original, and the maqasid al-sharia is a branch. However, the term maqasid al-sharia is the most famous and most studied, researched and categorized by scholars from ancient times to today.  The objectives of the Noble Qur’an are what the surahs and verses of the Noble Qur’an revolve around to define the message of Islam, and to fulfill its approach to guiding people.  It is the one that shows what God Almighty wants in his rulings and legislation, which is in the interest of those charged in this world and in the hereafter.  The Qur’anic objectives are of great importance in controlling the interpretive process, as they are the standard that controls the process of interpretation, just as knowing the objectives of the Qur’an is the way to understand the axes of the Qur’anic message, and its importance is that it helps to optimally contemplate the Book of God Almighty and extract its secrets and wisdom.  The genesis of the Qur’anic objectives is not modern, as it passed through several stages. The topic of the objectives of the Noble Qur’an and its themes and its early methods are in the introductions of their interpretations and in individual compilations, as well as the later ones dealt with it in the introductions of their interpretations and in independent studies.  The research also showed that the objectives of the Noble Qur’an are more meaningful in terms of their issues and themes, compared to the objectives of Sharia.  And that there are many sections of the objectives, and it came with several considerations, including the ranks of interests that the Sharia came to preserve, and some of them with regard to their rank in the intention, and also divided in terms of comprehensiveness, some general, some special, some partial and others, and these objectives have many characteristics and features, they are divine in the source,  It takes into consideration the instinct and the human need, the general and the regularity, and it is characterized by stability, compatibility and harmony and is general to humanity

