Proposed approach to art education in the schools of basic education In the Kurdistan region of Iraq


  • Jawad Nemat Hussain
  • Wafaa Mohamed Hussein Ahmed


Humanities, Arts, curricula


Search Consists of four chapters , devoted the first chapter of the research problem and its significance and purpose and limitations as well as the definition of the terms, as targeted research building proposed approach to art education for grades (1-9) in the schools of basic education in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq , and confined the proposed approach to arts hub Fine , which included four areas: artistic expression , painting , composition ores different , design and decoration , artistic taste and art history , as the second chapter of the theoretical framework for the search , while devoted the third chapter of the research procedures , and has been building approach described by reference to the foundations and pillars of philosophical and psychological social and cognitive agreed when most educators and curriculum planners in building educational curricula , and in proportion to the pedagogical approach , cultural and social contemporary Kurdistan region of Iraq , Vdilan commitment to the basic elements of the approach represented by: (objectives , content, methods and techniques of teaching , educational technology , educational activities and learning and evaluation methods ) , researchers have put educational goals and general educational and behavioral approach in light of the educational goals of the foundation stage of education at the Ministry of Education in the Kurdistan region of Iraq


