Processing the phenomenon of conglomerate the glass layer on the ceramic surface at low temperatures


  • Rabab Salman Kazim


Humanities, Arts, Ceramics


This study were carried out by a oxides that cause the phenomenon of agglomeration on a layer of glass and methods of treatment through control by adding these oxides and temperature setting through formulation mixture of glass by the base Seker, has included this treatment three sections, the first section includes the basic components of the glass, which is made up of oxides acidic RO2 and basal R2O and neutral R2O3 Valhaamadah consisted of silica SiO2 and coups silica, which is changing the secondary in building the web of silica, and the neutral consisted of alumina (Al2O3) oxide and boric (B2O3), the oxides basal, which are compounds modified network glaze monovalent be on two bases and alkali earth Valgulwaat consisted of sodium oxide (Na2O) and lead oxide (PbO).


